Thursday, July 18, 2024

By Mallika Chari

night storm

boulevard dawns

to loud horns

Mallika Chari

By Manasa Kaliki

Shooting star I wish to meet you again

Manasa Kaliki

By Srinivasa Rao Sambangi

the moon

enough wealth

for a fortnight

Srinivasa Rao Sambangi

By Mile Lisica

a shiny moon

and crickets sing

at the end of the war

Mile Lisica

блистави месец

и зрикавци певају

на крају рата

Mile Lisica

By Mark Hendrickson

trouble coming

seen from a mile away

summer storms

Mark Hendrickson

By Rita Melissano


the white pelicans behind

the river turns...

Rita Melissano

 the soundscapes                             

       of this breeze caressing                    

       the trees                                              

       no one knows why only

       silence can stop the wind

Rita Melissano