Friday, September 13, 2024

By Paul Callus


on an empty beach

the dog’s excitement

Paul Callus

By Bryan Rickert

father’s grave

finally telling him

what I really think

Bryan Rickert

romantic picnic

we both come away

with a tick

Bryan Rickert

By Vera Constantineau


a day without a need

to yield

Vera Constantineau

heavy rain

swapping summer for fall

in the closet

Vera Constantineau

senior golfer

corrects his stance

at the urinal

Vera Constantineau

By Dinah Power

the pen

struggles to write

sonic booms

Dinah Power

By Kelly Sargent

French lavender bunch

the life I thought

I was bound for

Kelly Sargent

winter rain

the wisdom

of imperfection

Kelly Sargent

By Mark Forrester

beach wedding—

the flower girl gathers

broken shells

Mark Forrester

midnight rain


my mother’s voice

Mark Forrester

By Nicoletta Ignatti

moonlit sea—

all my thoughts

in the dark

Nicoletta Ignatti