Cold Moon Journal

Cold Moon Journal
Photo c. Alf B. Meier

Monday, September 21, 2020

By Peter Jastermsky

harsh outlook     the motives of windows

Peter Jastermsky

By Manoj Sharma

August night

her painted face

in the glow of a traffic light

Manoj Sharma

By Silva Trstenjak


garden nasturtium enters

the basement

Silva Trstenjak

Sunday, September 20, 2020

By D.V. Rozic

Corona virus

will we part until

the Cold Moon?

D.V. Rozic

By Alan Summers

shifting moon

the fleetingness

of shadow

Alan Summers

Friday, September 18, 2020

By Peter Jastermsky

hitting the floor already he is somewhere else

Peter Jastermsky

Thursday, September 17, 2020

By Roberta Beach Jacobson

clutter in the oceans our lives

Roberta Beach Jacobson

By Manoj Sharma

gusty winds

amidst the patchy clouds

a crescent moon

Manoj Sharma

By Pat Davis

giving it all

to the unknown...

dandelion fluff 

Pat Davis

By Michael H. Lester

the gondolier

navigates the canal

one eye

on the young lovers

the other on the moon

Michael H. Lester

By Pat Geyer

night of cleaning...

bits of dust shower

until morning


Pat Geyer

By Bakhtiyar Amini

grey clouds

I’m withdrawing

into myself


Bakhtiyar Amini

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

By Pat Davis

encoding the night

in dots and dashes

the fireflies 

Pat Davis

By Michael H. Lester


on roots and berries

I bathe

in pristine spring water

faceless as the moon

Michael H. Lester

Monday, September 14, 2020

By Bakhtiyar Amini

family tar

my father is singing

in my Grandpa’s voice

Bakhtiyar Amini

By Pat Geyer

as if in a flap

another season passes…

hummingbirds fly south

Pat Geyer

By Bakhtiyar Amini


a tractor vanishing

into the sunset

Bakhtiyar Amini