Cradled Moon.

Fossombrone, Italy. Photo credits: Oana Maria Cercel.

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Thomas Landgraf

outside table...

the seagull waits

for crumbs

Thomas Landgraf

winter afternoon...

the homeless woman

paints a cathedral

Thomas Landgraf

Lorraine Caputo

you & I talk, don’t

talk, secrets held like fire in

our hands, burning to

our souls, red-hot scars searing

deep into our memories

Lorraine Caputo

By Joanna Ashwell

frost prints

the slow progress

of a hound

Joanna Ashwell

Marcellin Dallaire-Beaumont

faded dried roses

she was so cheerful

when she was alive

Marcellin Dallaire-Beaumont

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Guidelines for Contributors

Update (Feb 25, 2025) New email for submissions: journalcoldmoon(at)gmail(dot)com Founding editor: Roberta Beach Jacobson Current editors: ...