Cradled Moon.

Fossombrone, Italy. Photo credits: Oana Maria Cercel.
Showing posts with label Barrie Levine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Barrie Levine. Show all posts

Friday, January 31, 2025

Barrie Levine

laundry day

the wicker basket full

of sleeping cat

Barrie Levine

trimming the grass

near his stone . . .

dad’s stubble

Barrie Levine

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Touchstone Award Nominations (January through April 2024)

Announcing the Touchstone Award nominations from CMJ:

traffic slows

I move the dead rabbit

to safety

Tom Clausen

if peace

were a sound

snow angels

C.X. Turner

my inner bear

begins to hibernate

cold moon

Alfred Booth

a leafless tree

raises arms to the sky

praying for peace

Neena Singh


I try not to be an animal

but I am

Tony Williams

it could be winter or it could be worse

Robert Epstein

periodic table

the stars that flow

through us

Eugeniusz Zacharski

power outage

learning the shapes

of familiar things

Helen Ogden

his first recital

a round of applause

for all the pink

Barrie Levine

claiming the American dream an American gun

Susan Yavaniski


reading a letter

not meant for me

Ruth Holzer

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Guidelines for Contributors

Update (Feb 25, 2025) New email for submissions: journalcoldmoon(at)gmail(dot)com Founding editor: Roberta Beach Jacobson Current editors: ...