wind chimes
releasing ice melt
into her silence
John Hawkhead
complementary dining
buffalo feeding
egret topiary
Nudurupati Nagasri
Christmas dinner for two
the click, clank, click
of my teenager’s chopsticks
Chen-ou Liu
at our table
having the best time
those asleep
Roberta Beach Jacobson
Mariel Herbert
Christmas Eve
the moon comes riding
on a reindeer
Lakshmi Iyer
homeless camp
a Christmas ornament
on a bare branch
Helen Ogden
full of lights
the Christmas tree
in the bagel shop
a jar of holly...
Christmas thoughts
by the fireplace
Mariangela Canzi
a night of joy
without a face mask
a smile shines
Refika Dedić
newly-divorced man
his first Christmas dinner
at a Chinese restaurant
John J. Dunphy
hazy moon
electric lamps outline
a minaret
Agus Maulana Sunjaya
the need
to solve mysteries
Milky Way
Maria Concetta Conti
the Milky Way drapes
our big sky
JL Huffman