marvel of beehive
queen bee meets dear apiarist
in loneliness
Paweł Markiewicz
solitude - a trickle of makeup left to run
Giuliana Ravaglia
Dialects class my Irish lilt better
when I’m high
Lori A Minor
crossing her legs not a rustle in the fieldPeter Jastermsky
walk in the woods... head to toe in camo i flirt with a sycamore tree
Pat Geyer
exposed roots we talk about my first girlfriendJ.R. Gaskin
Another moon
Benedetta Cardone
black swallowtail
lost in the quivering
of my camera zoom
Agnes Eva Savich
merry-go-round all the horses still in lockdown Louise Hopewell
Crescendo of rain
at distant...
Diminuendos on ukulele
Nudurupati Nagasri
shifting shadows
waiting for dusk
to tilt the scales
Patricia Hawkhead
after the storm --
a rainbow in the wings
of the dragonfly
Gabriela Zaneva
rolling thunder
the first drop of rain
never falls hereJohn Hawkhead
blue moon -- my shadow becomes insignificant Maria Teresa Sisti
summer morning
the echo
of one chime
Nicole Tilde
thin clouds
a transparent veil
on his long rest
Carmela Marino
august moon ...
cradling the memory
of her first cry
Sushama Kapur
on the tip
of my tongue—
wind chimes
Pippa Phillips
worker bees
even with the drone
of rush hour
summer sweetness
as bees buzz
in middle c
Marilyn Ward
my eyes
in and out of the petunia
with the bee
Maya Daneva
when the time comes
who will write mine
blue moon
love story
drowning in the ocean
Nani Mariani
hellfire and brimstone
the priest describes the path
to forgiveness
John Hawkhead
high tea a dollop of cream on the tip of her nose
Louise Hopewell
between the clouds
she hides and seeks
my companion
Lakshmi Iyer
half awake
half asleep
spring equinox
Hemapriya Chellappan
tea leaves
in boiling water ...
those unsaid words
Devoshruti Mandal
Update (Feb 25, 2025) New email for submissions: journalcoldmoon(at)gmail(dot)com Founding editor: Roberta Beach Jacobson Current editors: ...