embroidery the rose she left unfinished midday
Minal Sarosh
Update (Feb 25, 2025)
New email for submissions:
Founding editor: Roberta Beach Jacobson
Current editors: Timothy Daly, Oana Cercel.
You may submit a single email containing 1-5 poems (e.g. haiku, senryu, tanka) or one haibun, tanka prose, or haiga per calendar month.
Work received will be published on a rolling basis within a month of receipt.
Poems must be uncurated, original (no AI) and in English. We encourage translations alongside, but the quality of the English version will determine publication.
No e-mail attachments will be opened. Please send to: journalcoldmoon(at)gmail(dot)com.
All writing styles welcomed. We are happy to receive your artwork, particularly haiga sketches and black-and-white photographs.
Both acceptance and rejection notices are sent. New work is added to the blog several times a week.
You will never see anything here that suggests racism, violence or prejudice.
We nominate for various annual haiku and poetry awards.
the pine shadow
sweeps onto the window
every night
as the moon rises
cat stares
David He
on the one hand
I couldn't live
forever wondering
what's on
the other hand
Keith Evetts
congratulate frequent contributor Tiffany Shaw-Diaz, recognized as a
top-eight volunteer (of more than 6,000) for the NASA citizen
science project, Active Asteroids. Way to go, Tiffany!
Update (Feb 25, 2025) New email for submissions: journalcoldmoon(at)gmail(dot)com Founding editor: Roberta Beach Jacobson Current editors: ...