Cradled Moon.

Fossombrone, Italy. Photo credits: Oana Maria Cercel.

Monday, October 10, 2022

By JL Huffman

crows caw calling

crack open the dawn

stillness shattered

JL Huffman

Tuyet Van Do

daily walk

his fur baby

brings along Pooh

Tuyet Van Do




half-eaten melon

hanging on the vine

unanswered questions

Tuyet Van Do

Sunday, October 9, 2022

By René Bohnen

handful of almonds

bittersweet morsels –

book review

René Bohnen



a fig tree

on google maps

hides your house

René Bohnen

Chen-ou Liu

river's edge ...

the rippling winter moon

and a white-haired man

Chen-ou Liu

By John Pappas

on both sides

of the tracks –

burial ground

John Pappas

By Katja Fox

end of summer –

birds and i

in muted tones

Katja Fox




language barrier –

so much laughter yet

so utterly alone

Katja Fox

By Madeleine Vinluan

much to talk about

when seasons change

Madeleine Vinluan

By Maria Teresa Piras

October moon –

the shadow of a farewell

that comes and goes

Maria Teresa Piras

Saturday, October 8, 2022

By Ram Chandran

narrow country path

I give way

to stray cattle

Ram Chandran

By Joseph P. Wechselberger

busy diner

the waitress splashes coffee

in my saucer

Joseph P. Wechselberger

By Daipayan Nair

greeting card –

my thoughts

need more space

Daipayan Nair

By Douglas J. Lanzo

scent of mint

morning mist rising

over bamboo tea house

Douglas J. Lanzo

By Meera Rehm


the rain. . .

blackbird song

Meera Rehm




as i am. . .

heirloom eggplant

Meera Rehm



wherever i see

a river. . .

mother's voice

Meera Rehm

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

By Eavonka Ettinger

unable to stop

putting my finger in the

mouths of snapdragons

Eavonka Ettinger

By Herb Tate




Herb Tate

By Ingrid Baluchi

man and beast

how rich the color

of turned earth

Ingrid Baluchi




the screech

of a rusty windmill

Ingrid Baluchi



overnight rain

the pure magic

of a pixie ring


Ingrid Baluchi

By Refika Dedić


shivering under the leaves


Refika Dedić

By Colette Kern

no secrets

despite the curtains

emergency room

Colette Kern



lose me in the

black hole of the universe

erogenous zones

Colette Kern

By Katherine E Winnick

flower palace

petals gently drifting

through her braids

Katherine E Winnick

By Molly Zeigenbein

dark cavernous maw

flapping fluttering wind gust

flock of bats departs


Molly Zeigenbein

Sunday, October 2, 2022

By Susan Burch

treasure hunt –

I don’t know what

she sees in you

Susan Burch



too early too late menopause

Susan Burch



first rain

the little raindrop

that could

Susan Burch

Mona Bedi

last chemo

a single sunflower

dances in the wind

Mona Bedi



winter chill

she double folds

her quilt

Mona Bedi

By David He


revealing the sun

on the horizon

a fisherman

sets sail

David He

By Tina Mowrey

crows waiting

for the sprinklers

midnight murder

Tina Mowrey



icy moon

she gives me

the cold shoulder

Tina Mowrey

Saturday, October 1, 2022

By John J. Dunphy

church stained glass window

the Virgin set ablaze

by the rising sun

John J. Dunphy

Friday, September 30, 2022

By Rob McKinnon


the nearing disaster’s

flashing brilliance

Rob McKinnon




child’s delight writing her name

in the dark

Rob McKinnon

By J. D. Nelson

three hens gobble up

bits of peanuts from my hand—

heat advisory

J. D. Nelson



blue skies follow rain—

after the children’s party

the dog relaxes

J. D. Nelson

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Guidelines for Contributors

Update (Feb 25, 2025) New email for submissions: journalcoldmoon(at)gmail(dot)com Founding editor: Roberta Beach Jacobson Current editors: ...