Cradled Moon.

Fossombrone, Italy. Photo credits: Oana Maria Cercel.

Monday, December 2, 2024

By Stephanie Zepherelli

junk mail

the same old stuff

i tell myself

Stephanie Zepherelli

act four

dancing alone

with shadows

Stephanie Zepherelli

multiple personas

a stack of hats

perfectly balanced

Stephanie Zepherelli

Nicoletta Ignatti

broken toy –

in the email the news

we don't want

Nicoletta Ignatti

there is no solution

to our problem –

wild blueberries

Nicoletta Ignatti

By Alexis Rotella

I wanted to pass on

to the other world

and then it started –

the slow fall

of gingko leaves

Alexis Rotella


of the hug I offer he takes half

Alexis Rotella

By Susan Burch

sticking your finger

in a wall socket –

how you keep

testing me

to see if I really love you

Susan Burch

By Robert Kingston

hazy morning

this life is all about

mirrored reflections

Robert Kingston

By Sondra J. Byrnes

a rapper

from the pueblo

his own drum

Sondra J. Byrnes

yesterday starting over again tomorrow

Sondra J. Byrnes

By Kimberly Kuchar

frozen waterfall

the words I scream

inside my head

Kimberly Kuchar

By Neena Singh

before she enters the scent of lavender

Neena Singh

early winter a small gloved hand in mine

Neena Singh


By Vandana Parashar


all my coming and goings

unoiled hinges

Vandana Parashar

election flyer

cleaning dog poop

from my shoe

Vandana Parashar

Friday, November 29, 2024

Mark Gilbert

swallows and leaves the shape of the year

Mark Gilbert



between the scarf

and the parka

a sliver of sunlight

Mark Gilbert


drawing circles

around rectangles

an owl’s geometry

Mark Gilbert

By Michael Nickels-Wisdom














Michael Nickels-Wisdom






upon the


of the


Michael Nickels-Wisdom

By Marjolein Rotsteeg

cackling geese —

will we ever listen

to climate scientists?

Marjolein Rotsteeg


foggy night

the muffled screech

of a barn owl

Marjolein Rotsteeg


whispering leaves


your secret

Marjolein Rotsteeg

Alvin B. Cruz

day moon

the fear of being known

inside out

Alvin B. Cruz

on a train looking out

the window

I wonder

how much of life

has passed me by

Alvin B, Cruz

By Janet Krauss

Some days

are pieces

of paper

that crumple up

and blow away

Janet Krauss

Nicoletta Ignatti

crushed almonds –

all my childhood

in pieces

Nicoletta Ignatti

Lakshman Bulusu

fountain spray

reaches the clouds

one more dream fulfilled

Lakshman Bulusu

By Tuyet Van Do

Orange sun

outside the nursing home

paramedic sirens

Tuyet Van Do

By Joseph P. Wechselberger

the long drive home ...

just Patsy Cline

and me

Joseph P. Wechselberger

crescent moon

a field of purple cauliflower

waiting for harvest

Joseph P. Wechselberger

By Meera Rehm

autumn park bench

my lonely sigh disappears

into wind

Meera Rehm

M. R. Pelletier

dark skies

leaves drop to the bench

where I read

M. R. Pelletier

Thursday, November 28, 2024

By Sharon Ferrante

still wishing—

the shiny things

in a dried up well

Sharon Ferrante

By Sarah Mahina Calvello

A crow

Covers the moon

For a moment

Sarah Mahina Calvello

By Stephanie Zepherelli

earth shoes when we were one

Stephanie Zepherelli

the last rung on the ladder floodwaters

Stephanie Zpherelli

embroidered birds

on her pillow

flying away

Stephanie Zepherelli

By Sarah Paris

the children

bury their dolls

autumn leaves

Sarah Paris

election night

even the Halloween ghosts

look scared

Sarah Paris

By Biswajit Mishra

night by night

how I age

crescent moon

Biswajit Mishra

my enigma

when I have nothing

to do

I have no time

for anything

Biswajit Mishra

By Vandana Parashar

living in the moment

a cloud becomes


Vandana Parashar

wind through a crack

the flowers

arrange themselves

Vandana Parashar

night bus

every head rolled

to side

Vandana Parashar

the world without a word winter woods

Vandana Parashar

By Nalini Shetty

ferry crossing

the river water churns

underneath us

I hold tight to the rail

and your unspoken words

Nalini Shetty

saffron robes

flutter in the breeze

Ganges twilight

 behind you a silhouette

 I can’t reach

Nalini Shetty

Mona Bedi

tornado warning

the comfort

of gran’s rosary

Mona Bedi

incessant rain i let the old dog in

Mona Bedi

distant thunder —

how we have changed

over the years

Mona Bedi

I learn to live

with imperfections

windfall apples

Mona Bedi

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Update (Feb 25, 2025) New email for submissions: journalcoldmoon(at)gmail(dot)com Founding editor: Roberta Beach Jacobson Current editors: ...