Cradled Moon.

Fossombrone, Italy. Photo credits: Oana Maria Cercel.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

By Jimmy Webb

 the screaming fox - his double edged sword

Jimmy Webb

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

By Nudurupati Nagasri


The only moon…

Of Amavasya *

Nudurupati Nagasri


*No moon day

Nicoletta Ignatti

I rock the moon

lying on the swing-

summer night

Nicoletta Ignatti

By Florin C. Ciobica

melon field 

the scarecrow points

to the moon

Florin C. Ciobica

By Mona Iordan

late-night news

the moon minds

its own business

Mona Iordan

By Ben Onachila

a magical gift

this potted lemon tree

a moon now on each branch

Ben Onachila

By Angiola Inglese

orange blossom--

a single woman

under the moon

Angiola Inglese

By Lafcadio

rabbit moon--

the silence



By Claire Ninham

thunder moon

the accidental crunch

of molluscs

Claire Ninham

Sunday, August 15, 2021

By Pat Davis

thrift shop

all my possessions

still there

Pat Davis

By Douglas J. Lanzo


shoots from Neptune’s trident

after sea-blown storm

Douglas J. Lanzo

By Pippa Phillips


she calls

to herself

Pippa Phillips

Saturday, August 14, 2021

By Mirela Brăilean

pandemic funeral -

behind the widow

convoy of leaves

Mirela Brăilean

Friday, August 13, 2021

By Susan Bonk Plumridge


to walk away

stray cat

Susan Bonk Plumridge

By Barrie Levine


to the names we give her

cold moon

Barrie Levine

By Surashree Joshi

half moon. . .

my memories of you 


Surashree Joshi

By Douglas J. Lanzo


ages into the past


Douglas J. Lanzo

Thursday, August 12, 2021

By Radhamani Sarma

my haiku

counting more revisions

than syllables

Radhamani Sarma

By Susan Bonk Plumridge


upon the paper

but a robin sings

Susan Bonk Plumridge

By Sushama Kapur

rows of paddy -

mingling with green

the blue of sky

Sushama Kapur

By Barrie Levine

combing mom’s hair . . .

a lake ripples

with silver

Barrie Levine

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

By Baisali Chatterjee Dutt

temple bells

calling for dawn

beyond the hills

Baisali Chatterjee Dutt

By Samo Kreutz

narrow street

rubbing up against me

the bell's echo

Samo Kreutz

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Mona Bedi

lucid interval

I die and come back

all so soon

Mona Bedi

By Joanna Ashwell

I send out

my apologies

to the world

let me know when

it is safe to re-emerge

Joanna Ashwell

By Keith Evetts


birds have to eat


Keith Evetts

Monday, August 9, 2021

By Mirela Brăilean

summer heat -

the snappy ticking

of my Dali clock

Mirela Brăilean

By Arvinder Kaur

phone screens: the loneliness of a crowd

Arvinder Kaur

By Minal Sarosh

oranges in each day seeds of haiku

Minal Sarosh

By Pippa Phillips

the octopus dreams

of the fisherman's wife

her second skin

slipping off

so easily

Pippa Phillips

Sunday, August 8, 2021

By Surashree Joshi

withered field

my feelings for you

six feet under

Surashree Joshi

Saturday, August 7, 2021

By Arvinder Kaur

the wait

for his homecoming…

coffee rings

Arvinder Kaur

By Bakhtiyar Amini


the moon drops in

armed with nothing

Bakhtiyar Amini

B.A. France

scare tactics …

another evening watching

tv with mom

B.A. France

By John J. Dunphy

my new table

made from reclaimed wood

the ring

from my coffee cup encircles

a bullet hole

John J. Dunphy

By Keith Evetts

dawn chorus

the other side

of double glazing

Keith Evetts

Thursday, August 5, 2021

By Mircea Moldovan

cloudless sky

blue feather

of an unknown bird

Mircea Moldovan

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Update (Feb 25, 2025) New email for submissions: journalcoldmoon(at)gmail(dot)com Founding editor: Roberta Beach Jacobson Current editors: ...