Cradled Moon.

Fossombrone, Italy. Photo credits: Oana Maria Cercel.

Monday, September 6, 2021

By Douglas J. Lanzo

sea isle goats

follow line of bells

to feed on shore

Douglas J. Lanzo

By Neena Singh


the autumn of life

I fill with poetry

Neena Singh

By Lakshmi Iyer

moon shapes

the way mother wants

me to cut fruits

Lakshmi Iyer

By Keith Evetts

clouds my life won't change

Keith Evetts

By John J. Dunphy

VFW Post

member shows the scar

from his latest surgery

John J. Dunphy

By Arvinder Kaur

burnt grasses

the ordinariness of death

in these times

Arvinder Kaur

Sunday, September 5, 2021

By Arvinder Kaur


on the minarets

my daughter’s sandcastle

Arvinder Kaur

Vincenzo Adamo

thrown into the fountain

empty beer bottles

they come back full of desires

Vincenzo Adamo

By Barrie Levine

cornfield maze

silk tassels

spun into gold

Barrie Levine

Mona Bedi

each day

outside my window

the same tree

Mona Bedi

By Mona Iordan


my long shadow

follows me alone

Mona Iordan

By Eufemia Griffo

flower moon

first water lilies

on the pond

Eufemia Griffo

By Jim Niffen

autumn rains

wash off the insects

of summer

Jim Niffen

By Richard Bailly

dust on shelf

breath of air

scattering cosmos

Richard Bailly

By Mircea Moldovan

baby booties

a cat pulls a thread

from the full moon

Mircea Moldovan

By Keith Evetts


she gets

the better half

Keith Evetts

By John J. Dunphy

estate sale

a pair of golf shoes

still new in the box

John J. Dunphy

Saturday, September 4, 2021

By Keith Evetts


how do chameleons

find each other

Keith Evetts

By Pat Davis

spring woods

the wish to speak

in pheromones

Pat Davis

By Ram Chandran

along the way

I have company

of stars

and songs

Ram Chandran

By Vasile Moldovan

zig-zag among the reeds --

the love flight

of dragonflies

Vasile Moldovan

By John J. Dunphy

utility pole

its lost-dog poster

starting to fade

John J. Dunphy

Mona Bedi

spring cleaning

the laughing buddha

full of dust

Mona Bedi

By Barrie Levine

dripping with honey

the bee-color

of hot corn bread

Barrie Levine

Thursday, September 2, 2021

By Manoj Sharma

day's end

a conference of six crows


Manoj Sharma

By Ram Chandran

stop press --

story line changed

in my life

Ram Chandran

By Nudurupati Nagasri

spring sunshowers

on plate of pasta...

potpourri of emotions

Nudurupati Nagasri

By Pat Davis


the forest absorbs

my shadow

Pat Davis

By Vasile Moldovan

plowing in the sky --

the departure

of the cranes

Vasile Moldovan

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

By Neena Singh


within and without

a divine jigsaw

Neena Singh

By Wilda Morris

the same moon

in Kabul

a different breeze

Wilda Morris

By Kyoko Bengala

loneliness --

each one locked inside

his cell phone

Kyoko Bengala

By Mircea Moldovan


the women gather

children's tears

Mircea Moldovan

By Kelly Sauvage

rain patter something akin to love

Kelly Sauvage

Dennis Andrew Aguinaldo

A lizard hunts

a beetle on the cupboard hinge.


Dennis Andrew Aguinaldo

Monday, August 30, 2021

By Kelly Sauvage

zero gravity the way we play with puppets

Kelly Sauvage

Sunday, August 29, 2021

By Maria Cristina Pulvirenti

Crescent moon

Silver is lost

in the path

Maria Cristina Pulvirenti

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Update (Feb 25, 2025) New email for submissions: journalcoldmoon(at)gmail(dot)com Founding editor: Roberta Beach Jacobson Current editors: ...