Cradled Moon.

Fossombrone, Italy. Photo credits: Oana Maria Cercel.

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Maria Concetta Conti

slow recovery

the moon illuminates

our path

—Maria Concetta Conti 

Jay Friedenberg

midterm grading

the slow hand

of the clock

—Jay Friedenberg

Randy Brooks

afloat upright

in the lake

my chi

just below

the surface

—Randy Brooks

Kelly Sargent

strawberry milk

the sweetness

of first words

—Kelly Sargent

mom’s thumbprint

on my baby picture

blue forget-me-nots

—Kelly Sargent

the day I leave blue morning glory

—Kelly Sargent

Mark Forrester

herring gull

on the river ice

one red mitten

—Mark Forrester

Melissa Laussmann

chimney smoke-

his old letters

keeping me warm

—Melissa Laussmann

traffic jam-

bird watching people

in their cages

—Melissa Laussmann

Angiola Inglese


the frayed shape

of a cloud


la forma sfilacciata

di una nuvola

—Angiola Inglese

Mirela Brailean

 the last leaf lightening the loneliness

—Mirela Brailean

orphanage yard

a cat is breastfeeding

the newborn chicks

—Mirela Brailean

Oscar Luparia

scented memories –

the pressed flowers

alive again

—Oscar Luparia

spring breeze

I stop

making plans

—Oscar Luparia

Eric Street

fall migration

birds overhead

who pooped on me?

—Eric Street

Dennis Owen Frohlich

sweeping prairie

shaped by the breeze—

the windmill 

—Dennis Owen Frohlich

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Mike Fainzilber

a dram for me

and a dram for thee

thirsty grave

—Mike Fainzilber

deep end

finally forgetting you

every single day

—Mike Fainzilber

Marcellin Dallaire-Beaumont

dummy egg

I hope so often

in vain

œuf factice

j’espère si souvent

en vain

—Marcellin Dallaire-Beaumont

daylight saving time

the time wasted

changing clocks

—Marcellin Dallaire-Beaumont

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Anne Fox

reading in bed

her page turns into rain

on the river

—Anne Fox

spring snow

an almost haiku


—Anne Fox

Kevin Browne

first light

night herons

return to the coconut palm

—Kevin Browne

Richard Bailly


in the heavens


—Richard Bailly

Roman Lyakhovetsky

morning drizzle -

the smell of hay dust

off my rucksack

—Roman Lyakhovetsky

forest shortcut—

a drop of my blood

on the cyclamen

—Roman Lyakhovetsky

Pitt Büerken

two lovers

moonlight shows 

them  kissing

—Pitt Büerken

Monday, March 3, 2025

J. R. Wilkerson

 an idle waitress


no one

else watches

the perfect


—J. R. Wilkerson

Chen-ou Liu

cold moon

in the web of barbed wire

a refugee child's gaze

—Chen-ou Liu

jolted awake

from a recurring dream

I murmur

is my immigrant past

this black hole of what-ifs?

—Chen-ou Liu

first snowflakes ...

a lone refugee girl


—Chen-ou Liu

Steliana Cristina Voicu

waltz dress

stops waving…

her blue eyes

—Steliana Cristina Voicu

spring insomnia…

morning sun caressing

my baby's face

—Steliana Cristina Voicu

Lakshman Bulusu

pink-painted sky . . . 

the rainbow 

in my beloved’s eyes

—Lakshman Bulusu

Jake Williams

dusk tracks 

sparkling just beyond sight 


—Jake Williams

Tsanka Shishkova

storm wind

the blossom cherry buds

on the fallen tree

—Tsanka Shishkova

Xiaoou Chen

—Xiaoou Chen


Sunday, March 2, 2025

Mile Lisica

shiny moon

at the end of the war

crickets sing

—Mile Lisica

Michael C. Roberts

Michael C. Roberts

Joanna Ashwell

river swallows

if only you and I

had this much sky

—Joanna Ashwell


every colour left

to forget about you

—Joanna Ashwell

Ruth Holzer

Mandarin class

how to say

feeling faint

—Ruth Holzer

Ravi Kiran

spring beach

the many colours

of skin

—Ravi Kiran

M. R. Pelletier

old coat

who will you keep warm

when I am gone?

—M. R. Pelletier

Luciana Moretto

melting candle

beneath its flame...

anytime, anywhere

—Luciana Moretto

Sarah Mahina Calvello


on a spider lily leaf

no reflection

—Sarah Mahina Calvello

Joshua St. Claire

my cries

muffled by cherry blossoms

tax day

—Joshua St. Claire

cloud panorama all that’s left of a single heron

—Joshua St. Claire

Tuyet Van Do

midnight silence

on the power line

a still possum

—Tuyet Van Do

checking emails

in the kitchen

the clock ticking

—Tuyet Van Do

catch up with old friends

on the verandah

kookaburras laughing

—Tuyet Van Do

Dennis Andrew Aguinaldo

scalp wound

under father’s bonnet

cloudy hilltop

—Dennis Andrew Aguinaldo

John J. Dunphy

drive-in theater

on its marquee

‘8 children conceived here'

—John J. Dunphy

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Update (Feb 25, 2025) New email for submissions: journalcoldmoon(at)gmail(dot)com Founding editor: Roberta Beach Jacobson Current editors: ...