Cradled Moon.

Fossombrone, Italy. Photo credits: Oana Maria Cercel.

Saturday, October 24, 2020

By Debbie Strange

empty paint tubes the thickened layers of regret

Debbie Strange

By Silk~

prairie dawn caws punctuating the pale skyline


By Lori A Minor

falling into seasonal depression

Lori A Minor

Friday, October 23, 2020

Tiffany Shaw-Diaz


the only thing

i know to be true

is that the sun has risen


brightly in our sky

Tiffany Shaw-Diaz

Monday, October 19, 2020

By Susan Bonk Plumridge

eating dinner 

crosslegged by the screen door 

listening to crickets


Susan Bonk Plumridge

By Bill Waters

early autumn

all night long

the crickets

Bill Waters

Sunday, October 18, 2020

By Debbie Strange








Debbie Strange

By Kat Lehmann

unseen star

hearing the whisper

between shouts


Kat Lehmann

By Susan Bonk Plumridge


growing into


Susan Bonk Plumridge

By Silk~

 oil spill discoloring our deep sea of dreams


Tiffany Shaw-Diaz

this piece of amethyst

i hold in my hand

what secrets

have you kept

during your long life

Tiffany Shaw-Diaz

Thursday, October 15, 2020

By Silk~

charcoal sky the fading scent of rain that never came


By Kat Lehmann

midnight rainstorm all that can be imagined

Kat Lehmann

By Pravat Kumar Padhy

her cloth

soaked with tears…

on the edge

of curled green leaf

the burden of the heavy rains

Pravat Kumar Padhy

By Lori A Minor

the hunger moon on food stamps

Lori A Minor

By Bill Waters

croaking crow:

you scold me as if

I were to blame,

as if I were the cause

of your hidden sorrow

Bill Waters

Roberta Beach Jacobson

grieving under a Covid moon

Roberta Beach Jacobson

By John J. Dunphy

Veterans' Day

panhandler points to

his Purple Heart

John J. Dunphy

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

By Pat Davis

slap of a beaver's tail

a branch skims the surface

of dawn

Pat Davis

Sunday, October 11, 2020

By B.A. France

bottom of the glass

finity of a lone

ice cube

B.A. France

By Lori A Minor

my anxiety a fish out of water

Lori A Minor

By Pat Davis

rain on the river

then a rainbow


Pat Davis

Saturday, October 10, 2020

By Goran Gatalica

constant rain...

the stringy ponytail follows

its mother's shadow

Goran Gatalica

By Rp Verlaine

drawing the rings

of Saturn to escape

steady crayon

Rp Verlaine

By John J. Dunphy

homeless encampment

hanging from the dead tree

a birdhouse

John J. Dunphy

Friday, October 9, 2020

By Ron Scully

bike ride

fall leaves backpedal

to the madras ground

Ron Scully

By Veronika Zora Novak


Veronika Zora Novak

By Goran Gatalica

evening glow —

a complete circle

of honey bee


Goran Gatalica

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

By Rp Verlaine


the tomcat leaves house

with three loves waiting

Rp Verlaine

Sunday, October 4, 2020

By Pere Risteski

a circle next to circle full moon

Pere Risteski

By Orrin PréJean

my naked body

and the black orchids

in dusk    

Orrin PréJean

By Veronika Zora Novak

in the mind

of the mountain . . .

hidden dragon

Veronika Zora Novak

Saturday, October 3, 2020

By John J. Dunphy

drawing water

in the well bucket

an eyeless fish

John J. Dunphy

Mike Gallagher

catching only

their own reflections

glaring eyes

Mike Gallagher

Ron Scully

5th Avenue

candy wrapper whips down the street

disguised as trash


Ron Scully

Friday, October 2, 2020

By Veronika Zora Novak and Dennis Hartman

akitsu moon . . .

his gossamer breath

i breathe

Veronika Zora Novak and Dennis Hartman

Thursday, October 1, 2020

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Guidelines for Contributors

Update (Feb 25, 2025) New email for submissions: journalcoldmoon(at)gmail(dot)com Founding editor: Roberta Beach Jacobson Current editors: ...