Cradled Moon.

Fossombrone, Italy. Photo credits: Oana Maria Cercel.

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

By Steve Bahr

new year bubbles burst of resolutions

Steve Bahr


descended dust

the shelf life

of a keepsake

Steve Bahr

Wanda Amos

lonesome moon

that warming unconsciousness

of cognac

Wanda Amos



do you follow me

day moon

Wanda Amos

By Anthony Lusardi

everything i need cherry petal rain

Anthony Lusardi


lunar halo—

is there ever a good time

to tell bad news

Anthony Lusardi

By Stephanie Zepherelli

ash to gold

the alchemist ignites

a new year

Stephanie Zepherelli



the last grain

stuck in time

Stephanie Zepherelli

By Keith Evetts

New Year's Day


or fasting

Keith Evetts


wild night

hardly anything left

of the moon

Keith Evetts

By Françoise Maurice

east wind

each leaf waits

its turn

Françoise Maurice



as surprised as I was

the crow

Françoise Maurice

By Govind Joshi

village fair

tinkle of glass bangles

surrounding the cart

Govind Joshi


rippled lake

a wooden boat

fast to a tree

Govind Joshi

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

By Priti Khullar


a fly entangled

in the spider web

Priti Khullar

By Kerry J Heckman

tracing my lifeline ant

Kerry J Heckman


trumpet flower

the hummingbird plays

each blossom

Kerry J Heckman

By Chris Kastle

sun caresses

warmth within

buzzing of bees

Chris Kastle

By Maya Daneva

quiet beach

a small crab moves its shade

over my toe

Maya Daneva

By Gopal Lahiri


exchange honeydew

ants giggle

Gopal Lahiri

Monday, January 1, 2024

By j rap

in the pause

between motorcycle gears

this tiny thought

j rap

By James Penha


burn tropical jungles—

there will be smoke


from ashes

oil palm plantations—

there will be fat


where orangutans

and gibbons live—

there will be none

James Penha

By Jennifer Gurney

waking to the light

through the crack under the door—

you are here

Jennifer Gurney

By Joseph P. Wechselberger

60th reunion

two with walkers

doing The Twist

Joseph P. Wechselberger

By JL Huffman

wood stove smoke

rises from the hollars

mountain man morn

JL Huffman



last bright ember

buried in charcoal clouds

winter solstice

JL Huffman

Jake Williams

The Kestrel's wing

Caught late afternoon light

Above distant fells

Jake Williams

By John J. Dunphy

the event organizer's purse a mess

John J. Dunphy

Jerome Berglund

orchestra swells



Jerome Berglund

By J. D. Nelson

thin clouds race in front

of the year’s final full moon

fast rabbit dashes

J. D. Nelson

By Jovana Dragojlovic

storm outside

drawing hearts

on the window

Jovana Dragojlovic

Sunday, December 31, 2023

Adrian Bouter

year's end...

the beat-up twelve string

in the corner

Adrian Bouter

Saturday, December 30, 2023

By Chris Collins

firecracker reds

provide tasty nectar for

thirsty hummingbirds

Chris Collins

Friday, December 29, 2023

Are We There Yet?

Could 2024 be the year? The Asahi Haikuist Network is requesting haiku for the new Anthropocene epoch. 

Send to David McMurray,

Monday, December 25, 2023

Lakshman Bulusu

early morning dew

a suspension bridge

held leaf to leaf

Lakshman Bulusu

By Yasir Farooq


in the thick branches —


Yasir Farooq

By Helen Ogden


the chatbot

asks about wabi sabi

Helen Ogden

Sunday, December 24, 2023

By Anthony Lusardi


under dead leaves and bark

a frog sleeps

Anthony Lusardi

By Nicole Pottier

crumpled leaves –

in the cold morning

tea perfume

Nicole Pottier

By Radhika De Silva

winter wind

carries sighs

of war victims

Radhika De Silva

Saturday, December 23, 2023

By Jharna Sanyal

copper clouds

soaking up the spill


Jharna Sanyal



timber wood

curling up in smoke

legends of forests

Jharna Sanyal


Friday, December 22, 2023

By J. D. Nelson

what’s all the racket?!

a featherless white crane lifts

things up to the roof

J. D. Nelson



feathers everywhere . . .

in mid-autumn the white hen

has started to molt

J. D. Nelson

By Oscar Luparia

autumn wind:

that pushes the clouds,

that shuffles the leaves

Oscar Luparia

By Brad Bennett


into darkness

a give-and-take moon

Brad Bennett

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Mike Fainzilber

an egret’s call

her lost son’s name

above the silent trees

Mike Fainzilber

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Update (Feb 25, 2025) New email for submissions: journalcoldmoon(at)gmail(dot)com Founding editor: Roberta Beach Jacobson Current editors: ...