Cradled Moon.

Fossombrone, Italy. Photo credits: Oana Maria Cercel.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

William Doyle A F

changing times —

lotus pond

now a paddy field

William Doyle A F

Mohua Maulik

jasmine scented

autumn breeze

rustles the hibiscus —

yet my heart is uneasy

thinking about tomorrow

Mohua Maulik

j rap

hundredth time

I’ve walked this path ...

still learning the shadows

j rap

the busboy drags

a trash bin to the curb

spring moon

j rap 



autumn dusk

thump of trucks

on the highway bridge

j rap


sunset sky


of peach and lemon

j rap


cloudy beach day

a coming out party

for the son

j rap

Xiaoou Chen

a glass of water

the chopstick bends

without bending

Xiaoou Chen



heading home

the horse’s hoofs hardly

touch the ground

Xiaoou Chen

Marjolein Rotsteeg

a new year

talks of peace

not even begun

Marjolein Rotsteeg

hibernation —

I'm struck by an attack

of hedgehog envy

Marjolein Rotsteeg


cold North wind


on old bones

Marjolein Rotsteeg


moth-eaten quilt

it remains

the cat’s favourite

Marjolein Rotsteeg

Joseph P. Wechselberger

member of the wedding

her first time

in heels

Joseph P. Wechselberger

Monday, December 30, 2024

I Loved Your Poem, but I Think I Deleted It!

On January 1, 2025 all January poems I have in my computer will be published here. 

If you have a Cold Moon Journal acceptance for the new year and it’s not included in that January 1 batch, kindly forward that email to me so I can fix things. I was clearing out the trash and sent folders so a new editor could take over, but apparently things got out of hand! I apologize.


Additionally, I know I had two last poems to use in December. Those are lost as well. So if you are one of these poets, please forward your email to me.


Again, I am sorry for the inconvenience.

~Robin (Roberta Beach Jacobson)

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Guidelines for Contributors

Update (Feb 25, 2025) New email for submissions: journalcoldmoon(at)gmail(dot)com Founding editor: Roberta Beach Jacobson Current editors: ...