
By dan smith

galaxy — a snail's silver painting dan smith

By Wai Mei Wong

quiet autumn night— the bubbling of grilled clams Wai Mei Wong * a rooster’s call the sunny side up touches grandpa’s nose Wai Mei Wong

By Robert Witmer

a broom over sunlight a pile of dust Robert Witmer

By Joshua St. Claire

white noise crackling over the Susquehanna  Pixel Moon Joshua St. Claire

By Ron Nhim

regretting our words we spent many nights staring at old memories Ron Nhim

By Louise Hopewell

river walk our path wends through frog song Louise Hopewell   *   the blue tip of a dragonfly’s tail day moon Louise Hopewell

By Elliot Diamond

leaves ghosted by the wind Elliot Diamond

By M. R. Pelletier

E mpty nest—    a hole through it    to sky M. R. Pelletier

By William Cullen Jr.

one sunflower tracks its namesake among stones that have no names potter's field William Cullen Jr. * leaving mountain shade a crow takes some along for its shadow William Cullen Jr.

By Lorraine Caputo

Night falls deeper clouds weave over secret rivers veins of our lives Lorraine Caputo

By Jay Friedenberg

fur and bone there are no safe spaces Jay Friedenberg

By Joanna Ashwell

snowflake stars dream by dream a melting pot Joanna Ashwell

By Jennifer Gurney

heavy heads bow toward earth sunflowers Jennifer Gurney

By Joy Yin

Soft waves on the shore Childhood memories long lost With the faint tides Joy Yin

By JL Huffman

undressing spent garden beds fallow fall JL Huffman

By Jovana Dragojlovic

autumn day a fantasy book warms my mind Jovana Dragojlovic  *   stars from the sky sprinkle stardust — giving magic to the world Jovana Dragojlovic

By Stephanie Zepherelli

mom invites all the stray dogs thanksgiving Stephanie Zepherelli * new moon dancers seek a place in the light Stephanie Zepherelli

By Susan Andrews

acorns thunk on rooftops — autumn heartbeats S usan Andrews

By Samo Kreutz

leaves on the roof ... the softness of her voice after heated talk Samo Kreutz

By Steliana Cristina Voicu

music from the sky — on the piano flaps first yellow leaf Steliana Cristina Voicu

By Susan Elizabeth Schipper

Leaves floating To the ground Colorful carpet Susan Elizabeth Schipper

Pushcart Prize Nominations

  Pushcart Prize Poetry Nominations from Cold Moon Journal (poems published during 2023) untitled (first line: a scattered mind) by Nicola Schau m untitled (first line: autumn) by S é bastien Revon untitled (first line: red glitter shoes) by Randy Brooks untitled (first line: bread crumbs) by Mike Fainzilber untitled (first line: where the leaf) by Brad Bennett untitled (first line: old button) by Kimberly Kuchar Congratulations to all (from the Pushcat)!

By Tom Brown

passing on the street                   we remain perfect strangers                                             as only our eyes have met Tom Brown

By Tuyet Van Do

birthday celebration strands of silver in her hair Tuyet Van Do   *   full moon shining in the front yard queen of the night Tuyet Van Do

By Bipasha Majumder (De)

a peacock's cry I foretell the fate of farmers Bipasha Majumder (De)

By Barrie Levine

Thanksgiving Day mom invites the in-laws to this year’s arguments Barrie Levine

By Bernadette O'Reilly

truth half told still waiting for more autumn mist Bernadette O'Reilly   *    the creak in one knee tying a shoelace Bernadette O'Reilly

By Mike Fainzilber

dancing on a crooked floor the memory of crutches Mike Fainzilber * against all odds blades of grass through the pavement Mike Fainzilber

By Maya Daneva

lemon petals mom asks if I want to be this bee Maya Daneva * caught in the autumn rain shower a post-it note Maya Daneva

By J. D. Nelson

television news— Christmas tree lights reflected in the black dog’s eyes J. D. Nelson * last day of autumn . . . an abandoned shopping cart here on the sidewalk J. D. Nelson

By Susan Lee Roberts

grandma’s shelf— a dusty pile of my poems Susan Lee Roberts *   autumn moonwalk silence engulfs the couple Susan Lee Roberts

By Michelle V. Alkerton

each retelling a subtle shift of memory Michelle V. Alkerton

By Meera Rehm

bone moon icy wind penetrates into my coat into me Meera Rehm

By Monica Kakkar

by rain-washed window asleep in perspiration— autumn equinox M onica Kakkar

By Michael Shoemaker

  The Road to Beyond Michael Shoemaker     Tall Grass by the Lake Michael Shoemaker

By Mary Harwell Sayler

Ocean waves ruffling — skirting the edge of hot sand, lacing shoes with foam Mary Harwell Sayler

By Myrna CG Mibus

fireside old-fashioned blue moon hiding in a tree M yrna CG Mibus