Cold Moon Journal

Cold Moon Journal
Fossombrone, Italy — Credits: Oana Maria Cercel

Monday, May 9, 2022

By Peter Jastermsky

a handful of shells family reunion

Peter Jastermsky

By Keith Evetts

all said and done the sun

Keith Evetts

By Sushama Kapur

overcast her eyes breaking storm 

Sushama Kapur

By John J. Dunphy

his fake ID

set afire with a candle from

his birthday cake

John J. Dunphy

By Deborah P Kolodji

before the buzz

wasp nest

in the eaves

Deborah P Kolodji

By Minal Sarosh

daybreak the pigeon’s eyes still red

Minal Sarosh

By Elyse Jancosko

the dog misjudges

the size of a stick

tree limb

Elyse Jancosko

By Ray Spitzenberger

the gecko

looks happy

am I?

Ray Spitzenberger

By Helen Ogden

lingering lupine

the purple haze of

deep regret

Helen Ogden

By Susan Bonk Plumridge

from away—

moving across oceans

for new roots


Susan Bonk Plumridge

By Deborah A. Bennett

a life

well lived —

plum blossom

Deborah A. Bennett

By Alvin B. Cruz

travel journal

I arrive 

at one haiku

Alvin B. Cruz

By Mona Bedi

school reunion

our names still etched

on old desks

Mona Bedi