Cold Moon Journal

Cold Moon Journal
Photo c. Alf B. Meier

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

By B. L. Bruce

paling sky

the poison flower


B. L. Bruce


Saturn’s dance

with the moon

B. L. Bruce

By Rosa Maria Di Salvatore

withered roses . . .

a love story

ended too soon

Rosa Maria Di Salvatore

cruel world . . .

yet many roses

in bloom

Rosa Maria Di Salvatore

By Sébastien Revon

reaching out

the teenager’s gaze

into the void

Sébastien Revon

writer’s block


the blackbird

Sébastien Revon

By Patricia Carragon

bare feet encounter

Coney Island sand

feeling the burn

Patricia Carragon

tar on sidewalk

melts like chocolate

in the heat

Patricia Carragon

By Randy Brooks

back home

from voting

the forgotten chocolate

in my pocket

gone soft

Randy Brooks

life of a poet

raising a few



in the garden

Randy Brooks

By James Penha












python coiled

in durian tree ready

to sleep not strike

image and words James Penha