Cold Moon Journal

Cold Moon Journal
Fossombrone, Italy — Credits: Oana Maria Cercel

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

By Jim Niffen

morning moon

last night lingering

on my lips

Jim Niffen

By Jenn Ryan-Jauregui

slow hop


the snail

Jenn Ryan-Jauregui

By Adele Evershed

visiting my father

only the whiskey mellows

with age

Adele Evershed

By Maurizio Brancaleoni

the turtle dove

sings at dawn

first day of the year

Maurizio Brancaleoni




il canto della

tortora all'albeggiare:

primo dell'anno

Maurizio Brancaleoni

By B.A.V. Varma


do not be tears

Be real castles.

B.A.V. Varma