Cold Moon Journal

Cold Moon Journal
Fossombrone, Italy — Credits: Oana Maria Cercel

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

By j rap

hexagon to square

my shrinking circle

of friends

j rap



coming out of the storm I didn’t know I was in

j rap


a single sheet of paper

swirls down the empty street

j rap

By Chen-ou Liu

in my tank

rainbow koi swimming

in circles ...

the same question years ago,

to stay or to go

Chen-ou Liu

By Pitt Büerken

supported by AI

the orator speaks

like thousands of others

Pitt Büerken

By Debbie Olson

the barn swallows the blue sky

Debbie Olson



the same fairy tale

every night

Debbie Olson

By M. R. Pelletier

Hushed conversations—

sparrows listen

from the eaves

M. R. Pelletier

By Ravi Kiran

when and where

to stop


Ravi Kiran

By Oscar Luparia

harvest moon

with all my wishes

in the little well

Oscar Luparia

By Jovana Dragojlovic

summer breeze

fluttering dandelions

on her skirt

Jovana Dragojlovic