Cold Moon Journal

Cold Moon Journal
Fossombrone, Italy — Credits: Oana Maria Cercel

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

By Govind Joshi

summer fair

children chasing

soap bubbles

Govind Joshi


within a story

this life

Govind Joshi

By Todd Matson

my sweet baby girls –

they are no longer babies

and not always sweet

Todd Matson



his philanthropy –

the gifts he kept on giving

for his vanity

Todd Matson

unconditional –

the love of a little dog

is God spelled backward

Todd Matson

By Ravi Kiran

rush hour

the manoeuvrability

of an ambulance

Ravi Kiran

between a beard

and the grey moustache

a few missing teeth

Ravi Kiran


her favourite dress

for the first time

Ravi Kiran

what are the odds

of meeting you again

shooting star

Ravi Kiran

By j rap


through fence pickets

wildflower seeds

j rap


you pick out things

from my hair


j rap

By Alvin B. Cruz

words we said too late lilacs

Alvin B. Cruz


yesterday’s rain

still falling

Alvin B. Cruz

rain after a long drought mother’s remission

Alvin B. Cruz

By Patricia Carragon

buds sprout

on maple trees

cat in deep sleep

Patricia Carragon

By Nancy Brady

spring evening

seeping though the window

the skunk's scent

Nancy Brady

By Stephen Jarrell Williams

taking a nap

with eyes closed

seeing everything

Stephen Jarrell Williams

an old man

gazing up to heaven

wondering when

Stephen Jarrell Williams

children singing

on the mountaintops

pleading with us

Stephen Jarrell Williams

By Tomislav Maretić

deserted streets –

birdsong fills

the silence

Tomislav Maretić

By Vandana Parashar

buried nuts

how easy it is

to be forgotten

Vandana Parashar

By Pitt Büerken

shitty day

she holds herself

to the drinking straw

Pitt Büerken


that can’t be true


what’s to be seen

seems incredible

Pitt Büerken

By Steve Van Allen

winds pick up at sunset

sign of a coming front

wet whispers of rain

Steve Van Allen