Cold Moon Journal

Cold Moon Journal
Fossombrone, Italy — Credits: Oana Maria Cercel

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

By David Kāwika Eyre

august drought

she asks about

daffodil bulbs

David Kāwika Eyre


in one hop

the grasshopper

becomes grass

David Kāwika Eyre

By Jimmy Pappas

Saigon downpour

children swim

in the streets

Jimmy Pappas




into the earth . . .

 daffodil yellow

 Jimmy Pappas

By Stephen C. Curro

magic hour

the clop of hooves

down the road

Stephen C. Curro



a golden moon

in silken clouds

Stephen C. Curro



half asleep

the hiss of bacon

in the pan

Stephen C. Curro

By Cloris Shi

high school

scrubbing insults off

bathroom stalls

Cloris Shi

By Mona Bedi

summer sunset

I catch my breath

in the lake’s reflection

Mona Bedi




deep winter

mom’s lullaby sneaks

into my dream

Mona Bedi