Cold Moon Journal

Cold Moon Journal
Fossombrone, Italy — Credits: Oana Maria Cercel

Saturday, September 23, 2023

By John Hawkhead

moonlit surf

flickers of white lace

below her hemline

John Hawkhead

By Jovana Dragojlovic

night colours

cover the sky

dreamer's paradise

Jovana Dragojlovic

By Joshua St. Claire

honeysuckle wind

a mourning dove

relines her nest

Joshua St. Claire

By Joe Whitlow

two years later

the permanence

of dead

Joe Whitlow

By Joanna Ashwell

full moon

the shape of light

in loneliness

Joanna Ashwell

By Jenn Ryan-Jauregui

first breakup

I reach for another


Jenn Ryan-Jauregui