Cold Moon Journal

Cold Moon Journal
Fossombrone, Italy — Credits: Oana Maria Cercel

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

By Wanda Amos

a water strider

straddles the full moon

the fragility of peace

Wanda Amos

By Helen Ogden

harvest moon

an errant hayseed

amongst the vines

Helen Ogden

By Mona Bedi

oceans apart

yet we both watch

the same moon

Mona Bedi

By Nisha Raviprasad

hazy moon

a nightingale competes

with its echo

Nisha Raviprasad

By Cynthia Anderson

predawn walk

the waning crescent

enough to go on

Cynthia Anderson

By Roberta Beach Jacobson

Mother Moon

we all look up

to her

Roberta Beach Jacobson

By Joanna Ashwell


the solstice moon

slowly turning

Joanna Ashwell