Cold Moon Journal

Cold Moon Journal
Fossombrone, Italy — Credits: Oana Maria Cercel

Sunday, June 9, 2024

By Susan Burch

you never know

when it’ll be —

last kiss

Susan Burch

power outage

back to the beginning

of the cosmos

Susan Burch

By Mark Gilbert


in June

a life

cut short

Mark Gilbert


smiling through

the hurricane

Mark Gilbert

By Julianne Carlile

how stunning to see

in the bright white clean birdbath

five baby bluebirds

Julianne Carlile

By Refika Dedić


between the cherry trees

the invisible guest

Refika Dedić

under the sky

between flowers

only silence

Refika Dedić

By Neena Singh


still face the sun...

war zone

Neena Singh

By Barrie Levine

wheeled away

to his private room

dad and his stories

Barrie Levine

By Bryan Rickert

another mass shooting stars

Bryan Rickert









Bryan Rickert



spring rain

the slow sex

of turtles

Bryan Rickert

grackle vocabulary in translation the spring wind

Bryan Rickert

By Tsanka Shishkova

getting older … but the wind of spring

Tsanka Shishkova



antique shop

a lady recalls the fashion

of her youth

Tsanka Shishkova



 long list

of charming mistakes

her diary

Tsanka Shishkova

By Rupa Anand

when daughters become mothers full circle

Rupa Anand

taking a vow

of silence

singing bowl

Rupa Anand