Cold Moon Journal

Cold Moon Journal
Fossombrone, Italy — Credits: Oana Maria Cercel

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

By Kamrun Nahar

Life is a never ending calculation.

Kamrun Nahar

By Hemapriya Chellappan

the timelapse

of passing emotions

flower moon

Hemapriya Chellappan

By Amrutha Prabhu

an introspection

a seed of

healing sprout

Amrutha Prabhu

By Nudurupati Nagasri

meditating ...

a soldier beetle

on red camellia

Nudurupati Nagasri

By Keith Evetts


the dark economy of lies

they swap for love

Keith Evetts

By Maria Concetta Conti

autumn stars

sharing a kiss after

a long walk

Maria Concetta Conti

By Sherry Grant

city square

a black swan sings

his last song

Sherry Grant

By Kathleen Vasek Trocmet

maple leaves

grab the wind

a soft landing

Kathleen Vasek Trocmet