Cold Moon Journal

Cold Moon Journal
Fossombrone, Italy — Credits: Oana Maria Cercel

Saturday, March 9, 2024

By Mike Fainzilber

staring at the moon

trying to find

your reflection

Mike Fainzilber

love thy enemy

the one

I married

Mike Fainzilber

after the parting

sunrise and sunset

in grayscale

Mike Fainzilber

cloth on cloth

so near

too far…

Mike Fainzilber

what a view, you say

I see

only you

Mike Fainzilber

a haiku dream

when the soul

meets itself

Mike Fainzilber

By Mariangela Canzi

sudden truce —

hanging wash

over the rubble

Mariangela Canzi

lonely conch the exile's blues

Mariangela Canzi

words float

in my mind...

new Beatles song

Mariangela Canzi

By Mike Gallagher

a scream

the dim moon bringing life

to darkness

Mike Gallagher

that day

when the world changed forever

what I was doing

Mike Gallagher

drunken melee

several cases of assault


Mike Gallagher

By Maya Daneva

snowy March

the creaking sound of little boots…

egg hunt begins

Maya Daneva

smooth talk…

I rinse off the wild clams

for third time

Maya Daneva

By Michael Smith

in the clear still pool

of your haiku I have seen

my own reflection

Michael Smith

By Randy Brooks

rent overdue

locked out with nothing

but a comb-over

Randy Brooks

thick family Bible

she only keeps up

with births

Randy Brooks

warming up

the farmhouse kitchen

banana bread

Randy Brooks

not toy guns

not real guns

she wants nothing to do

with guns in her house

ever. again.

Randy Brooks

By Refika Dedić

in an old book

after all these years

her letter

Refika Dedić

still winter

and they are sticking out of the ground


Refika Dedić

By Robert Epstein

Ides of March ––

I stop looking for love

in all the wrong places

Robert Epstein

the manipulation continues daylight savings

Robert Epstein

wild licorice

with every bite

decades melt away

Robert Epstein

By Ravi Kiran

elevator stillness

blinking numbers

and eyelids

Ravi Kiran

By Richard Bailly

click click

escaping the nightmare

ruby slippers

Richard Bailly


in the kettle

too long

Richard Bailly

By M. R. Pelletier

Mid-morning lull ...

   the barista busies himself

   with a broom

M. R. Pelletier

By Monica Kakkar

bounty of bright breeze—

ribbons and laces askew

leapfrog on leap day

Monica Kakkar

By Mircea Moldovan

so much light and yet dark

Mircea Moldovan



a hedge

between him and her

winter end

Mircea Moldovan

By Mark Forrester

corner hutch—

my grandmother’s glass

for cutting biscuits

Mark Forrester