Update (Feb 2, 2025)
New email for submissions:
Founding editor: Roberta Beach Jacobson
Current editors: Timothy Daly, Oana Cercel.
You are invited to submit a single email containing 1-5 poems (in the spirit of haiku, senryu, tanka) per calendar month, although occasionally we will publish sequences. No themes. Poems must be your original work (not AI!) and in English. We encourage translations alongside original work (the quality of the English version will determine publication). Uncurated work only!
No e-mail attachments will be opened. Please send to: journalcoldmoon(at)gmail(dot)com.
Poems received in a given month will be considered for publication in Cold Moon Journal the following month. (In other words, if you send your poems in March, they will be competing for April space.) Is your writing style traditional? Fine. Gendai or experimental? Also welcome, although we can’t accommodate much in the way of special formatting.
We are happy to consider your artwork, particularly black-and-white photographs.
There is no money in this, but all rights revert back to the poet upon publication.
We strive to respond quickly (within two weeks, usually faster). Both acceptance and rejection notices are sent. New haiku/senryu/tanka (or sequences or artwork) are added to Cold Moon Journal several times a week. You can view the most popular poems (scroll down to bottom right of the journal for the list).
You will never see anything here that suggests racism, violence or prejudice.
We will be featuring selected work on CMJ social media. See, for example, our Instagram and Facebook! So by submitting, you give us tacit permission to share accepted work on different social media platforms including Instagram, X, BlueSky, YouTube and TikTok (as part of video readings and other adaptations).
This journal nominates for various annual haiku and poetry awards.