Cold Moon Journal

Cold Moon Journal
Fossombrone, Italy — Credits: Oana Maria Cercel

Friday, January 5, 2024

By Randy Brooks

red button mushrooms

cheerful little fellas

on a rotting log

Randy Brooks

By Aline da Silveira

unleash me tsunami heart if you see waves

Aline da Silveira

By Pitt Büerken

global warming

the winter coat stays

in the wardrobe

Pitt Büerken

By Amber Winter

sugar scrub polishing off my old self

Amber Winter

By Carmela Marino

my destiny

a seagull driven

by wind

Carmela Marino

By Brad Bennett

one dead tree leaning

on another dead tree leaning

on a live one

Brad Bennett

By Helen Ogden

the shadow I cast

upon the blank page

morning light

Helen Ogden

By David Ngo

stone carvings

yesterdays relived

David Ngo

By Mircea Moldovan

somewhere death wears Santa's hat

Mircea Moldovan

By Nicole Pottier

drums ...

the thrill

of Earth

Nicole Pottier

By Ravi Kiran


on a moonless night

your confession

Ravi Kiran

By Lynn Edge

car wash

after a road trip

bugs from two states

Lynn Edge

By Bryan Rickert

leaf fall losing count of our kisses

Bryan Rickert

By Barrie Levine

cul-de-sac an argument we can’t turn around

Barrie Levine

By Vandana Parashar

the force field around me night jasmine

Vandana Parashar

By Mike Fainzilber

a pool

of candlelight

warming the tea

Mike Fainzilber

By Hayley Gibbons

new year steps closer

cloaked in filigree linings

one last look behind

Hayley Gibbons

By Dmitry Peredonov

sunset ...

on the child’s grave

a broken doll

Dmitry Peredonov

By Katherine E Winnick

the moth

eaten kimono

in the cupboard

Katherine E Winnick




the moonflower


Katherine E Winnick

By Bipasha Majumder (De)

sulky afternoon

she weaves thoughts of

soldier son

Bipasha Majumder (De)

By Kelly Sargent

her bedroom as she left it

the jewelry box ballerina

stops twirling

Kelly Sargent

By Mona Bedi

taking life as it comes hospice moon

Mona Bedi

By Adrian Bouter

stick nor stone the mist-drenched dogs

Adrian Bouter

By Ellen Kom

winter storm

the end

tougher than expected

Ellen Kom

By Elliot Diamond

tree pose

of a yoga morning

autumn leaves

Elliot Diamond