Cold Moon Journal

Cold Moon Journal
Fossombrone, Italy — Credits: Oana Maria Cercel

Thursday, December 2, 2021

By Pippa Phillips

golden hour

he rakes his shadow

into the leaves

Pippa Phillips

By Kathleen Vasek Trocmet

afternoon rain . . .


soup recipes

Kathleen Vasek Trocmet

By Ram Chandran

the lightness of being a butterfly

Ram Chandran

By Tsanka Shishkova

virgin beach

baby turtles rush

to the sea

Tsanka Shishkova

By Vincenzo Adamo

Indian summer

smiles return

under the bridge

Vincenzo Adamo

By Mircea Moldovan

blood stains

under the pale moonlight

a poacher

Mircea Moldovan

By Mona Bedi

old grief–

the leaves that refuse

to change colour

Mona Bedi