Cold Moon Journal

Cold Moon Journal
Fossombrone, Italy — Credits: Oana Maria Cercel

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

By Eavonka Ettinger

unable to stop

putting my finger in the

mouths of snapdragons

Eavonka Ettinger

By Herb Tate




Herb Tate

By Ingrid Baluchi

man and beast

how rich the color

of turned earth

Ingrid Baluchi




the screech

of a rusty windmill

Ingrid Baluchi



overnight rain

the pure magic

of a pixie ring


Ingrid Baluchi

By Refika Dedić


shivering under the leaves


Refika Dedić

By Colette Kern

no secrets

despite the curtains

emergency room

Colette Kern



lose me in the

black hole of the universe

erogenous zones

Colette Kern

By Katherine E Winnick

flower palace

petals gently drifting

through her braids

Katherine E Winnick

By Molly Zeigenbein

dark cavernous maw

flapping fluttering wind gust

flock of bats departs


Molly Zeigenbein