Cold Moon Journal

Cold Moon Journal
Fossombrone, Italy — Credits: Oana Maria Cercel

Saturday, December 3, 2022

By Mark Gilbert


unlike yesterday

the right kind of snow

Mark Gilbert

By Jonathan English

night snow

Handel's Messiah cradles darkness

in light

Jonathan English

By Dan Iulian

snowy morn —

so cold between us

the silence

Dan Iulian

By Alvin B. Cruz

falling snow

a void impossible

to fill

Alvin B. Cruz



folded blanket

a sky

full of dreams

Alvin B. Cruz


mother's quilt

i follow the thread

of her story

Alvin B. Cruz

By Andrew Markowski

abandoned mall a mannequin wears layers of dust

Andrew Markowski


a child scribbles

on the wall

drawing attention

Andrew Markowski



quiet coffee shop— the barista drops a dollar into the tip jar

Andrew Markowski