Cold Moon Journal

Cold Moon Journal
Fossombrone, Italy — Credits: Oana Maria Cercel

Saturday, August 21, 2021

By Vasile Moldovan

torrid summer -

only lightning and thunder

not a drop of rain

Vasile Moldovan

By Yasir Farooq

under a shelter

goats and goatherd

calmly watch the rain

Yasir Farooq

By Cynthia Anderson


a promise blown

out of proportion

Cynthia Anderson

By JL Huffman

skies darken

leaves cup to receive

sacrament of rain

JL Huffman

By Pat Davis


the disobedience

of rain

Pat Davis

By Anna Maria Domburg-Sancristoforo

rain, then sun

the scented breath

of the woods

Anna Maria Domburg-Sancristoforo

By Cherry A

rain patter -

the kids run outside

with paper boats

Cherry A

By Ram Chandran


redder than ever

last night rain

Ram Chandran

By Lafcadio

smell of sage

in the rain--

barren desert
