Cold Moon Journal

Cold Moon Journal
Fossombrone, Italy — Credits: Oana Maria Cercel

Saturday, September 24, 2022

By Elena Malec

cut up watermelon

sunset sky sinking

into the ocean

Elena Malec

By Barbara Anna Gaiardoni

road coast that

smells of strawberry

metal roofs

Barbara Anna Gaiardoni



the sun inside

bye-bye sadness


Barbara Anna Gaiardoni

By A.J. Anwar

old street—

beneath the asphalt layers

my childhood footsteps

A.J. Anwar



flea market—

the haggles for something


A.J. Anwar

By Mirela Brăilean

rain of leaves drought

Mirela Brăilean




first date

his cheap smell

of desire

Mirela Brăilean

By Arvinder Kaur

the discourse on crooked toes   ageism

Arvinder Kaur



house sale

the wicket gate moans

one last time

Arvinder Kaur

By Bonnie J Scherer

mending socks —

mom heels

a broken heart

Bonnie J Scherer

By Chen-ou Liu

the tinkle

of my baby's laughter

this night of stars

Chen-ou Liu



a drift of blossoms

my Birman sleeps away

her last days

Chen-ou Liu