Cold Moon Journal

Cold Moon Journal
Fossombrone, Italy — Credits: Oana Maria Cercel

Saturday, September 4, 2021

By Keith Evetts


how do chameleons

find each other

Keith Evetts

By Pat Davis

spring woods

the wish to speak

in pheromones

Pat Davis

By Ram Chandran

along the way

I have company

of stars

and songs

Ram Chandran

By Vasile Moldovan

zig-zag among the reeds --

the love flight

of dragonflies

Vasile Moldovan

By John J. Dunphy

utility pole

its lost-dog poster

starting to fade

John J. Dunphy

By Mona Bedi

spring cleaning

the laughing buddha

full of dust

Mona Bedi

By Barrie Levine

dripping with honey

the bee-color

of hot corn bread

Barrie Levine