Cold Moon Journal

Cold Moon Journal
Fossombrone, Italy — Credits: Oana Maria Cercel

Thursday, August 1, 2024

By Kimberly Kuchar

glittering scales . . .

a flying fish skates

on the edge of two worlds

Kimberly Kuchar

braided river

I can't be everywhere

at once

Kimberly Kuchar

moonless night

I don’t want to walk this road

without you

Kimberly Kuchar

      cloud    seeding 

each                       word 

    brings me closer

          t   o         t





Kimberly Kuchar

sideways rain

you always know

just what to say

Kimberly Kuchar

By Vandana Parashar

soundless rain

his story dies

with him

Vandana Parashar

By Bryan Rickert

drought moss

not as resilient

as I used to be

Bryan Rickert

high tide

I, too, feel the pull

of this moon

Bryan Rickert

telling me more

than I needed to know

old country song

Bryan Rickert

By Neena Singh

late summer

pink roses fade

petal by petal

Neena Singh

By J. D. Nelson

long day low battery charge your phone now

J. D. Nelson

daylight fades a cautious young deer crosses at the crosswalk

J. D. Nelson

near dusk a crow caws twice as it flies over the apartments

J. D. Nelson

caught in a torrential downpour nothing like wet socks

J. D. Nelson