Cold Moon Journal

Cold Moon Journal
Fossombrone, Italy — Credits: Oana Maria Cercel

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

By Steve Bahr

new year bubbles burst of resolutions

Steve Bahr


descended dust

the shelf life

of a keepsake

Steve Bahr

By Wanda Amos

lonesome moon

that warming unconsciousness

of cognac

Wanda Amos



do you follow me

day moon

Wanda Amos

By Anthony Lusardi

everything i need cherry petal rain

Anthony Lusardi


lunar halo—

is there ever a good time

to tell bad news

Anthony Lusardi

By Stephanie Zepherelli

ash to gold

the alchemist ignites

a new year

Stephanie Zepherelli



the last grain

stuck in time

Stephanie Zepherelli

By Keith Evetts

New Year's Day


or fasting

Keith Evetts


wild night

hardly anything left

of the moon

Keith Evetts

By Françoise Maurice

east wind

each leaf waits

its turn

Françoise Maurice



as surprised as I was

the crow

Françoise Maurice

By Govind Joshi

village fair

tinkle of glass bangles

surrounding the cart

Govind Joshi


rippled lake

a wooden boat

fast to a tree

Govind Joshi