Cold Moon Journal

Cold Moon Journal
Photo c. Alf B. Meier

Saturday, June 12, 2021

By Florin C. Ciobica

pancake moon

her appetite 


Florin C. Ciobica

By Valentina Ranaldi-Adams

picking the last

of the harvest -

pumpkin moon

Valentina Ranaldi-Adams

By Nisha Raviprasad

snow fall

a half-eaten moon

in the sky

Nisha Raviprasad

By Remzi Gülsün

full moon-

savoring mandarin

on veranda

Remzi Gülsün

By Maria Teresa Piras

sugar moon -

a granita for two

on the beach

Maria Teresa Piras

Friday, June 11, 2021

By Hemapriya Chellappan

pirate moon

through a wine glass

night takes shape

Hemapriya Chellappan

By Keith Evetts

cold moon

a slice of lemon

in my gin

Keith Evetts

Thursday, June 10, 2021

By Nadejda Kostadinova

midnight taxi

on every corner my eyes meet

with the Moon

Nadejda Kostadinova

By Roberta Beach Jacobson

no one there

to tuck her in

she cries to Luna

Roberta Beach Jacobson

By Marilyn Ashbaugh

losing sleep. . .

the supermoon’s light

too loud

Marilyn Ashbaugh

By Minal Sarosh

eclipse night

the crow folds the moon

under its wings

Minal Sarosh

By Yasir Farooq


the bird bathes

in moonlight

Yasir Farooq

By Ingrid Bruck

the moon

an arabic reader

in orbit

Ingrid Bruck

By Cynthia Anderson

in my orbit

two moons—

no need to choose

Cynthia Anderson

By Pat Davis

gardener's moon

every blossom

a moonflower

Pat Davis

By John J. Dunphy

visible in the moonlight

every name

on the war memorial 

John J. Dunphy

By Pippa Phillips

blue moon

robin’s egg cracking

into song

Pippa Phillips

By Arvinder Kaur

my companion

through lonely nights—

quarantine moon

Arvinder Kaur

By Alex Fyffe

hanging so low

in the dark room

television moon

Alex Fyffe

By Elaissa Bautista

we are all in the company of wolves

embraced by one loveless moonlight

Elaissa Bautista

By Keith Evetts

her silver hair

and everywhere the moonlight

Keith Evetts

By Barrie Levine

waning moon

the changing shape

of silence

Barrie Levine

By Ramesh Anand

geometry stencil

the unusual shapes

of childhood moon

Ramesh Anand

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

By Jeff Leong


the moon falls in

without sound

Jeff Leong

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

By Mona Bedi

full moon

werewolves and lycanthropes

spoil the night

Mona Bedi

By Christa Pandey

shaft of moonlight

guiding the foot

through darkness

Christa Pandey

By Remzi Gülsün

pile of socks

none is a pair

lonely moon

Remzi Gülsün

By Anna Maria Domburg-Sancristoforo

round and round

Shostakovich waltz —

moony night

Anna Maria Domburg-Sancristoforo

By Kathleen Vasek Trocmet

Texas tumbleweed

crosses the ghost moon


Kathleen Vasek Trocmet

By Richa Sharma

moon prayer

asking you back

from God

Richa Sharma

By Helen Buckingham

accelerating home

over a battlefield of bones

old moon

Helen Buckingham

By Jagajit Salam


a tree stands

in silhouette

Jagajit Salam

By Lafcadio


under the oak moon--

dreaming of trees

with branches

tangled in my hair


By Tiffany Shaw-Diaz

before sunrise shaking off a phantom moon

Tiffany Shaw-Diaz

By Hemapriya Chellappan

wolf moon the muffled voices of mountains

Hemapriya Chellappan

By Carole Johnston

moon rising

like the holy grail

over world end

Carole Johnston

By Mohammad Azim Khan

moonlit night

passing by the arch

of a black cat

Mohammad Azim Khan

By Jay Friedenberg

crescent moon

the world hanging on

by a thread

Jay Friedenberg

By JL Huffman

turkey chicks

hustle after their hen

Hatching Moon

JL Huffman

By Tim Roberts

new moon old disease same fears - how do I do what I can’t

Tim Roberts

By Kyoko Bengala

moon of the leaves-

a thousand ponds at once

become dark

Kyoko Bengala

By Pippa Phillips

hazy moon—

reading glasses

out of reach

Pippa Phillips

Sunday, June 6, 2021

By Susan Burch

something to cling to life preserver moon

Susan Burch

By Zahra Mughis


tangled vines

sliced moon

Zahra Mughis

By Lakshmi Iyer


strikes the sky

the zigzagged moon

Lakshmi Iyer

By Alan Summers

cider moon

nestling into the scent

of fireside smoke

Alan Summers

By Anna Maria Domburg-Sancristoforo

train journey

just enough moon

at the window

Anna Maria Domburg-Sancristoforo

By Julie Schwerin

down to a sliver

we wear out

another moon

Julie Schwerin

By Barrie Levine



into the moon

Barrie Levine

By Neena Singh

honey moon

the new bride

closes the window

Neena Singh

By Jim Niffen

blanketed by a rose moon the prairie sleeps

Jim Niffen

By David He

full moon...

a crow pecks

its own shadow

David He

By Mark Meyer

yellow moon

in the indigo night

a coyote howls

Mark Meyer

By Hemapriya Chellappan

growing old together

lopsided moon

Hemapriya Chellappan

By David Oates

day moon

the toddler finds

with joy

David Oates

By Sushama Kapur

sky in every breath cold moon

Sushama Kapur

By Elisa Theriana

midsummer night

floating here and there

lotuses and the moon

Elisa Theriana

Saturday, June 5, 2021

By Neil Ruddy

roomba streetlight

crosses the night sky

over the treetops

Neil Ruddy

By Tomislav Sjekloća

covid moon

family dog

becomes a stray

Tomislav Sjekloća

By Roberta Beach Jacobson

crossing the border moondance

Roberta Beach Jacobson

By Marilyn Ashbaugh

treetop roost

a heron

walks the moon

Marilyn Ashbaugh

By John Hawkhead

rolling in

on the midnight train

wheels of moonlight

John Hawkhead

By Meera Rehm

ice moon

the winter you left

to me

Meera Rehm






By Kathleen Vasek Trocmet

haying moon...

fresh cut grass

coated in dew

Kathleen Vasek Trocmet

By Debbie Strange

full moon

a strawberry ripens

in the basket of sky

Debbie Strange

By Wilda Morris


the moon jumps over

our car

Wilda Morris

By Arvinder Kaur

as if it is still the same: childhood moon

Arvinder Kaur

By Vincenzo Adamo

ripe wheat--

the moon of lovers

throws a tantrum

Vincenzo Adamo

By Zahra Mughis

the taste

of nostalgia

cheese moon

Zahra Mughis

By Voima Oy

Between dusk and dawn

the stray cats

come and go

under the streetlights

and the moon

Voima Oy

Samo Kreutz

old orchard

first fruit on the tree

the moon

Samo Kreutz

By Rick Hardy

Hunger moon 

Silence so deep

it hurts

Rick Hardy

By Zoran Doderović

a river icebreaker

behind it

crushed moon

Zoran Doderović

By Lori A Minor

where I no longer belong fool’s moon

Lori A Minor

Friday, June 4, 2021

By Vandana Parashar

lotus moon

leaving my “self” outside

the temple door

Vandana Parashar

By Zahra Mughis

rice pudding

Eid moon

sighted at dusk

Zahra Mughis

By Mohammad Azim Khan

moon-drop silence

a monk tiptoes

up the pagoda

Mohammad Azim Khan

Thursday, June 3, 2021

By Linda Ingram

the moon alone still shining

Linda Ingram

By Lafcadio

the moon's glow

hidden by clouds--

the darkness

covering your fingers

holding mine


By Marina Bellini

is this the same moon

you are looking at

where you are now

do you still remember

holding hands under its spell

Marina Bellini

By Ram Chandran

the same moon...

when we first met

and now as we part

Ram Chandran

By John Hawkhead

raiding the river

a swirl of otter cubs

dances with the moon

John Hawkhead

By John J. Dunphy

lunar eclipse

the coyotes

stop howling

John J. Dunphy

By Maya Daneva

touching the skin

of Black Mission figs

harvest day moon

Maya Daneva

By Tsanka Shishkova

lunar rainbow

over the sea

scent of lily

Tsanka Shishkova

By Roberta Beach Jacobson

frosty divorce ice moon

Roberta Beach Jacobson

By Marilyn Ward

night sky

they insist a UFO

was the moon

Marilyn Ward

By Susan Burch

as if it will tell you what to say teleprompter moon

Susan Burch

By Hemapriya Chellappan

before the river changes its mind beaver moon

Hemapriya Chellappan

By Pris Campbell

blue moon

Elvis streams his love


Pris Campbell

By Baisali Chatterjee Dutt


the lovesick frog

serenades the silence

Baisali Chatterjee Dutt

By Pippa Phillips

a thousand moons—

all her poems

Pippa Phillips

By Agus Maulana Sunjaya

endless conversation

the moon

and the stars

Agus Maulana Sunjaya

By Lisa Alletson

full moon at midnight

the apple unbitten

Lisa Alletson

By Tanvi Nishchal

on night duty


and the moon

Tanvi Nishchal

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

By Giuliana Ravaglia

at moonrise...

the empty chair

rocks again

Giuliana Ravaglia

By B.A. France


hulls moored safely

midnight moonrise

B.A. France

By Marilyn Ward

full moon

travelling the railway lines

to where I've been

Marilyn Ward

By Stefano d'Andrea

deep silence

the aura of the moon

on the black raku

Stefano d'Andrea

By Keith Evetts

midnight rain

the moon

down a drain

Keith Evetts

By Barrie Levine

silver blanket—

migrant sisters

wrapped in moonlight

Barrie Levine

By Susan Burch

surrounded by stars Beverly Hills moon

Susan Burch

By Kat Lehmann

circle moon

the sky slow throws

a snowball

Kat Lehmann

By Pat Davis

alone in the night

the traveler's moon

and I

Pat Davis

By Pippa Phillips


by the tide—

harvest moon

Pippa Phillips

By Baisali Chatterjee Dutt


the pimples I burst

in my teen years

Baisali Chatterjee Dutt

By David Watts

cold moon rising

I am glass

to the light

David Watts

By Maria Teresa Sisti

strawberry moon -

I can't shut up

the emptiness inside

Maria Teresa Sisti

By Roberta Beach Jacobson

paper moons

a lifetime supply

from hole puncher

Roberta Beach Jacobson

By Viktoriya Marinova

full  moon

the roof

comes to life


Viktoriya Marinova

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

By John J. Dunphy

lunar eclipse

becoming human again

my werewolf neighbor

John J. Dunphy

By Kat Lehmann


the snapdragon moon

swallows its sky

Kat Lehmann

By Tiffany Shaw-Diaz

in your snow the Lydian moon rises

Tiffany Shaw-Diaz

By B.A. France


from who I used to be

... moonrise

B.A. France

By Stanislava Gancheva

wrinkles on the face

of the Black Sea

wolf moon

Stanislava Gancheva

By Pippa Phillips

dedicated to all the songs I'll never write the moon eclipsing the sun

Pippa Phillips

By Meik Blöttenberger

white noise

I inhale

the moonlight

Meik Blöttenberger