Cold Moon Journal

Cold Moon Journal
Fossombrone, Italy — Credits: Oana Maria Cercel

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

By Lafcadio

early morning—

she wakes to the sound

of splintering glass





buried memories

the past

won't stay hidden even

if the grave is deep


By Roberta Beach Jacobson

in the ash bucket sprinkles of spider

Roberta Beach Jacobson

By Jerome Berglund


the revenant


Jerome Berglund



angry baby’s

apparition intermittent

lightning flashes

Jerome Berglund

By JL Huffman

gourd’s garish grin

macabre ceiling display

guest-room night light

JL Huffman

By petro c. k.

blood moon

swirling in the glass

a nice chianti

petro c. k.


echoing inside . . .

first clump of dirt

hitting the coffin

petro c. k.

By Eavonka Ettinger

oleanders sway

in the cold winds

a deadly tea

Eavonka Ettinger

Monday, October 30, 2023

By JL Huffman

new moon fog

ghost deer dart

JL Huffman



murder of crow’s feet

unlaughable lines

JL Huffman

By petro c. k.

thin fabric

between worlds

bedsheet ghost

petro c. k.

By Eavonka Ettinger

pumpkin pulp

wriggles through fingers—

creating a new face

Eavonka Ettinger



crows gather

to greet the dead

a thin veil

Eavonka Ettinger

By Jerome Berglund

house settling

or something more

forgotten frost

Jerome Berglund

By Lafcadio

chronic pain

I hear the doctor

order leeches




pierced skin—

a wound too deep

for blood to flow


Sunday, October 29, 2023

By Roberta Beach Jacobson


the cavity of my sweet tooth


Roberta Beach Jacobson

Saturday, October 28, 2023

By Nicola Schaum

a scattered mind

grandad's head in the freezer

searching for keys

Nicola Schaum

Friday, October 27, 2023

By Sébastien Revon


a dead butterfly

on the conscience

Sébastien Revon

By Stephen Jarrell Williams

beneath the night

wrapped in soft blankets

finger touching stars

Stephen Jarrell Williams

By Stephanie Zepherelli

river rapids

autumn’s brief romance

for chinook salmon

Stephanie Zepherelli




wanting to understand

her last words

Stephanie Zepherelli

By Shasta Hatter

full moon

and one star

midnight city sky

Shasta Hatter

Thursday, October 26, 2023

By Richard G Birtles

the slightest curve


a sinking lighthouse

Richard G Birtles

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

By Helen Ogden

bedtime ritual

checking to see the stars

are still in place

Helen Ogden

By Chris Collins

the road not taken

has always been there waiting

to hear your footsteps

Chris Collins

By Susan Lee Roberts

morning rays—

a wink of pink

lavenders the sky

Susan Lee Roberts

By Kavita Ratna

the colour purple

night tip-toes into


Kavita Ratna

By dan smith

green peace

in my dreams

a virid Earth

dan smith

By Susan Bonk Plumridge

jigsaw puzzle

keeping the mind busy 

after surgery

Susan Bonk Plumridge

By Yasir Farooq

leaf fall

another Kashmiri shawl


Yasir Farooq

By Hassane Zemmouri

back to school

the new shoes

hurt the little feet

Hassane Zemmouri

Monday, October 23, 2023

By Nicoletta Ignatti

trains whiz by–

so many autumns

on the hill

Nicoletta Ignatti

By Oscar Luparia

a church bell

strikes 3 o’clock – the silent trip

of the Big Dipper

Oscar Luparia

Saturday, October 21, 2023

By Linda L Ludwig

in the garden

her empty chair

surrounded by weeds

Linda L Ludwig

By S.Eta Grubešić

so many bare branches

I can't find the way

to my true self

S.Eta Grubešić

By Genevieve S. Aguinaldo

varicose veins...

lost sea snakes

on the shore

Genevieve S. Aguinaldo

By Katja Fox

the tap tap of

rainforest tears

nobody hears

Katja Fox

By Susan Burch

in the ‘90s

a Fantastic Four

Vanishing Woman

as if women

weren’t already


Susan Burch

By Kelly Sargent

ice cream truck jingle

the neighborhood

a little smaller

Kelly Sargent

By Rosie Dang

October winds

the droop of autumn leaves

and remembrances

Rosie Dang

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

By Elliot Diamond

drip coffee

of a Zen morning

spring rain

Elliot Diamond

By Janet Krauss

winds winter in the trees

the temple bell rings


Janet Krauss

By Ram Chandran

wakeful night

from the rustling leaves

mother's soft voice

Ram Chandran

By Priti Khullar

school reunion

I splurge on an

anti-wrinkle cream

Priti Khullar

By Ellen Kom

a pinch of turmeric

staining my fingers

sacral chakra

Ellen Kom

By Gavin Austin


with the dusk

dog-eared memories

Gavin Austin

By Michelle V. Alkerton

high rise

winds screech through gaps

of balcony doors

Michelle V. Alkerton

By Tuyet Van Do

parenthood —

in my arms

fur baby

Tuyet Van Do

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

By Wanda Amos

feeling the weight

of my baggage

a long road ahead

Wanda Amos


each day

a disaster


Wanda Amos

Monday, October 16, 2023

By Ellen Kom

under the autumn sky

olive trees

and charred bodies

Ellen Kom

By Pitt Büerken

after two years

now he's highly pleased

with his poem

Pitt Büerken

Sunday, October 15, 2023

By Deborah Karl-Brandt

two butterflies

will we ever

become one

Deborah Karl-Brandt

Saturday, October 14, 2023

By evan coram


singing of sunrise

and a silent “g”

evan coram

By David Ngo

Music fills the air,

finding its channel.

David Ngo

Monday, October 9, 2023

By Paula Sears

honey bees wild

in the cider wind

autumn equinox

Paula Sears

By J. D. Nelson

old Mount Sanitas

you look beautiful today!

after the shower

J. D. Nelson



there’s so much to do

that nothing ever gets done . . .

the list grows & grows

J. D. Nelson

Saturday, October 7, 2023

By Steliana Cristina Voicu

tram station...

I share my umbrella

with a stray dog

Steliana Cristina Voicu

By Daniel Birnbaum

this wave

that comes from far

what memories does it carry

Daniel Birnbaum

By Lee Hudspeth


not wanting

a coyote paces the horizon

Lee Hudspeth

By David He

the crackling

of our campfire...

we wait

in a circle

for moonrise

David He

Friday, October 6, 2023

By Alvin B. Cruz

what we leave behind shooting stars

Alvin B. Cruz

By Adrian Bouter

grape harvest

the moon flies

on crane wings

Adrian Bouter

By Anthony Lusardi

your favorite song

you sigh

every other moment

Anthony Lusardi

By Alan Zhong

when you left

planes joining the sky

drifting through our broken dreams.

you're the brightest star

Alan Zhong

By Anne Morrigan

quick strokes

through lightning strikes

lost oars

Anne Morrigan

By Alison Rogers

consider the koi

drifting through its reflection

rust of the maple

Alison Rogers

By Arvinder Kaur

music class

my grandson catches

the cricket’s tune

Arvinder Kaur

By Ashoka Weerakkody


if only they could learn


Ashoka Weerakkody

By Barrie Levine


my Barbie and I


Barrie Levine



diner special

     sliding down the counter

to the regulars

Barrie Levine

By Brad Bennett

crowded feeder

one seed escapes

with its chickadee

Brad Bennett

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

By Joseph P. Wechselberger

second-hand store

a wedding dress tagged

as never worn

Joseph P. Wechselberger

By Jay Friedenberg


the hypnotic lull

of bees at work

Jay Friedenberg


scattered bread

under the park bench

nature's pecking order

Jay Friedenberg

By Jovana Dragojlovic

mom's cherry pie

the last bites

of homesickness

Jovana Dragojlovic

By John Pappas

buzz cut

we get it before

chemo does

John Pappas

By Jennifer Gurney

waking to bird song

you purring on my lap

light dancing

Jennifer Gurney

By JL Huffman

a white feather

dances on the wind

farewell words

JL Huffman

By M. R. Pelletier

Talking to myself

   the volume of

   a cardinal’s feathers

M. R. Pelletier

By Mike Fainzilber

a cloud

on a string

kite dreaming

Mike Fainzilber

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

By Randy Brooks

red glitter shoes

one of her wishes

came true

Randy Brooks

By Bryan Rickert

texting her I reiterate crows

Bryan Rickert


synchronizing our autumns long distance love

Bryan Rickert

By Robert Witmer

angry words

on a crumbling wall

tiny flowers in the cracks

Robert Witmer

By Robert Epstein

creekside walk

I hear a new generation

learning to curse

Robert Epstein

Monday, October 2, 2023

By Jerome Berglund


on a lampshade

this blemished moon

Jerome Berglund


liminal highway

all the lights

come on at once

Jerome Berglund

By Mark Gilbert

tai chi reaching for the moon

Mark Gilbert

By Mirela Brailean

rich harvest

with the same shabby clothes

the scarecrow

Mirela Brailean

By Mona Bedi

overthinking my need to over clarify

Mona Bedi

By Mircea Moldovan

chemo, leafless trees

Mircea Moldovan

By Tony Williams


my aunt looks smaller

in the care home

Tony Williams

By Mark Forrester

beer garden—

the butterfly’s unsteady


Mark Forrester

By John J. Dunphy

class reunion invitation

on the RSVP card

he checks 'won't attend'

with the pen he borrowed from

a prison guard

John J. Dunphy

By Monica Kakkar

daily dilemma—

comfort of the ceiling fan

or hot cup of tea

Monica Kakkar

By Chen-ou Liu

first AA meeting

a whiff of whiskey

or all in my mind?

Chen-ou Liu


after the farewell

she doesn't wave back --


even colder on my face

than October's snowflakes

Chen-ou Liu

By Timothy Daly


breathe. panic


Timothy Daly

By Marilyn Humbert

all the colours

of windblown petals

at the rave

a hurley-burley

of gyrating dancers

Marilyn Humbert



shifting umbra

the equinox clock

in reverse

Marilyn Humbert