Cold Moon Journal

Cold Moon Journal
Fossombrone, Italy — Credits: Oana Maria Cercel

Monday, December 30, 2024

I Loved Your Poem, but I Think I Deleted It!

On January 1, 2025 all January poems I have in my computer will be published here. 

If you have a Cold Moon Journal acceptance for the new year and it’s not included in that January 1 batch, kindly forward that email to me so I can fix things. I was clearing out the trash and sent folders so a new editor could take over, but apparently things got out of hand! I apologize.


Additionally, I know I had two last poems to use in December. Those are lost as well. So if you are one of these poets, please forward your email to me.


Again, I am sorry for the inconvenience.

~Robin (Roberta Beach Jacobson)

Sunday, December 29, 2024

By Lakshman Bulusu

a stroll through foliage  path of light within light

Lakshman Bulusu

By Eugeniusz Zacharski

ancient battle

the sea reflects the glare

of the gold armor

Eugeniusz Zacharski

milky way

the distant road

to the void

Eugeniusz Zacharski

By Kendall Lott

opening my palm

to my first snowflake…

dream catcher

Kendall Lott

Thursday, December 26, 2024

By Adrian Bouter

stale bread's fate  sparrows

Adrian Bouter

By Nancy Brady

autumn afternoon

putting the garden

to bed

Nancy Brady

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

By Wanda Amos

 counting the stars

that never sleep


Wanda Amos

Peace on Earth


c a n c e l l e d

Wanda Amos

Monday, December 23, 2024

By Susan Burch

sticking your finger

in a wall socket –

how you keep

testing me

to see if I really love you

Susan Burch

By Clint Jovial Delima

From a microscope

An angel deformed by light—

A cell splits in two.

Clint Jovial Delima

By A.J. Anwar

the long boat

struggling against tidal waves

P.S. death poem

A.J. Anwar

By Mykyta Ryzhykh

fish crawl out like drowned men

Mykyta Ryzhykh

Friday, December 20, 2024

New Editor Needed

After four inspiring years having fun with Cold Moon Journal, I have decided to pass the torch.

If you are interested in assuming editorship/ownership, please drop me a brief email at (No monetary investment is involved, only your time!) 

- Roberta Beach Jacobson (Robin)

Thursday, December 19, 2024

By John Pappas

shushing myself

a walk through

dry leaves

John Pappas

By Jahnavi Gogoi

winter drizzle

i forget my umbrella

in the train again

Jahnavi Gogoi

footprints in the snow

questioning my

life choices

Jahnavi Gogoi

By Jonathan English

twilight kingdom

ending or beginning

the dusky now

Jonathan English

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

By Sharon Ferrante

poets say

we all have a voice

on a windless night

my cat’s paw

rings the chimes

Sharon Ferrante

new moon

I reverse my jacket

to the dark side

Sharon Ferrante

By Srinivasa Rao Sambangi

cherry blossoms

a sick man turns back

for one more look

Srinivasa Rao Sambangi

By Scott Wiggerman


walking the walk

from my sofa

Scott Wiggerman

Sunday, December 15, 2024

By Vincenzo Adamo

and on the balconies

snow accumulates—

plastic flowers

Vincenzo Adamo

my actions

go down in value—

autumn leaves

Vincenzo Adamo

falling stars—

a pandemic strikes


Vincenzo Adamo

Saturday, December 14, 2024

By Mark Gilbert

hidden in the noise a humpback's song

Mark Gilbert



when the last

tear-shaped pear

hits the ground

Mark Gilbert

By Mark Forrester

fog rolls in the song of a saltmarsh sparrow

Mark Forrester

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

By Fatma Zohra Habis

migratory birds

return to their nests

after winter's chill

I set off to find

you once more

Fatma Zohra Habis

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Our Nominations for The Red Moon Anthology


fleeting sweetness of the world baklava

Ruth Holzer


thumb, forefinger


the leaves

Jerome Berglund


eating the last piece

of bread in the world

nuclear toast

Stephen Jarrell Williams


orange crush

the long line to buy

MAGA hats

Adele Evershed


cold tea my life wasted on work

Timothy Daly


in the night

croaks from the old pond

all alike

Keith Evetts


an old man

gazing up to heaven

wondering when

Stephen Jarrell Williams

Major congratulations to these talented poets.

Saturday, December 7, 2024

By Alvin B. Cruz

a love letter to keep forever stamps

Alvin B. Cruz

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

By Thomas Landgraf

outside table...

the seagull waits

for crumbs

Thomas Landgraf

winter afternoon...

the homeless woman

paints a cathedral

Thomas Landgraf

By Lorraine Caputo

you & I talk, don’t

talk, secrets held like fire in

our hands, burning to

our souls, red-hot scars searing

deep into our memories

Lorraine Caputo

By Joanna Ashwell

frost prints

the slow progress

of a hound

Joanna Ashwell

By Marcellin Dallaire-Beaumont

faded dried roses

she was so cheerful

when she was alive

Marcellin Dallaire-Beaumont

Monday, December 2, 2024

By Ruth Holzer

out the back door

in the dead of night

they'll roll me

quickly and quietly

so no one will notice

Ruth Holzer

fleeting sweetness of the world baklava

Ruth Holzer

an ant with a message I move out of the way

Ruth Holzer

By Robert Witmer

dark romance

a taste of poetry

on a bookworm's lips

Robert Witmer


unleavened bread

dipped in wine

Robert Witmer

By John Masterson

dwarfing my wheelchair

circus elephants parade

through the parking lot

John Masterson

By Susan Yavaniski

hanging laundry

our discussion

on speakerphone

Susan Yavaniski


his favorite reef

a skeleton

Susan Yavaniski

voting line

I study the angles

of a jaw

Susan Yavaniski

day one

a jackhammer

going at it

Susan Yavaniski

my sweet poem

about a vine gone wild

on the borderline

til my thoughts were invaded

by Putin’s army

Susan Yavaniski

By Sébastien Revon

red traffic light—

the sudden urge

to remain there

Sébastien Revon

By Mona Bedi

first snow the shape of her breath

Mona Bedi

meditation class the weight of my thoughts

Mona Bedi

still there

on his social media

my friend’s obituary

Mona Bedi

By Shawn Blair

on full display

bones etched

by a whaler

Shawn Blair

By Katherine E Winnick

saffron moon —

a moment

of epiphany

Katherine E Winnick

By C.X. Turner

spilled wine

the ways I learned

not to speak

C.X. Turner

pumpkin soup

the earthy sweetness

of a stray seed

C.X. Turner

By M. R. Pelletier

winter solstice

my beard lengthens more quickly

than the day

M. R. Pelletier

By Bryan Rickert

every piece

chipped but loved

garage sale tea set

Bryan Rickert

home alone

my reflection

in every window

Bryan Rickert

overturned turtle

I, too, am trying

to set myself right

Bryan Rickert

By Tony Steven Williams

as the day

draws on

clouds thicken

you're clearly

up to something

Tony Steven Williams

patient eyes

adjust to the dark sky

. . . more stars emerge


Tony Steven Williams

By Joanne Merriam

the dust on your inheritance

his last exhale

Joanne Merriam

By Govind Joshi

his voice

the softness

of petals

Govind Joshi

By Françoise Maurice


my dark side

for one night

Françoise Maurice

By Maurice Nevile

as it turns out

my new Disney socks

are kids' size

Maurice Nevile

By Tony Williams


a closer look

at my face in a bauble

Tony Williams


on a spectrum


Tony Williams

By Katie Montagna

in slow motion

two desert tortoises

cross the road

Katie Montagna

By Stephanie Zepherelli

junk mail

the same old stuff

i tell myself

Stephanie Zepherelli

act four

dancing alone

with shadows

Stephanie Zepherelli

multiple personas

a stack of hats

perfectly balanced

Stephanie Zepherelli

By Alexis Rotella

I wanted to pass on

to the other world

and then it started –

the slow fall

of gingko leaves

Alexis Rotella


of the hug I offer he takes half

Alexis Rotella

By Nicoletta Ignatti

broken toy –

in the email the news

we don't want

Nicoletta Ignatti

there is no solution

to our problem –

wild blueberries

Nicoletta Ignatti

By Susan Burch

sticking your finger

in a wall socket –

how you keep

testing me

to see if I really love you

Susan Burch

By Robert Kingston

hazy morning

this life is all about

mirrored reflections

Robert Kingston

By Sondra J. Byrnes

a rapper

from the pueblo

his own drum

Sondra J. Byrnes

yesterday starting over again tomorrow

Sondra J. Byrnes

By Kimberly Kuchar

frozen waterfall

the words I scream

inside my head

Kimberly Kuchar

By Neena Singh

before she enters the scent of lavender

Neena Singh

early winter a small gloved hand in mine

Neena Singh


By Vandana Parashar


all my coming and goings

unoiled hinges

Vandana Parashar

election flyer

cleaning dog poop

from my shoe

Vandana Parashar

Friday, November 29, 2024

By Mark Gilbert

swallows and leaves the shape of the year

Mark Gilbert



between the scarf

and the parka

a sliver of sunlight

Mark Gilbert


drawing circles

around rectangles

an owl’s geometry

Mark Gilbert

By Michael Nickels-Wisdom














Michael Nickels-Wisdom






upon the


of the


Michael Nickels-Wisdom

By Marjolein Rotsteeg

cackling geese —

will we ever listen

to climate scientists?

Marjolein Rotsteeg


foggy night

the muffled screech

of a barn owl

Marjolein Rotsteeg


whispering leaves


your secret

Marjolein Rotsteeg

By Alvin B. Cruz

day moon

the fear of being known

inside out

Alvin B. Cruz

on a train looking out

the window

I wonder

how much of life

has passed me by

Alvin B, Cruz

By Janet Krauss

Some days

are pieces

of paper

that crumple up

and blow away

Janet Krauss

By Nicoletta Ignatti

crushed almonds –

all my childhood

in pieces

Nicoletta Ignatti

By Lakshman Bulusu

fountain spray

reaches the clouds

one more dream fulfilled

Lakshman Bulusu

By Tuyet Van Do

Orange sun

outside the nursing home

paramedic sirens

Tuyet Van Do

By Joseph P. Wechselberger

the long drive home ...

just Patsy Cline

and me

Joseph P. Wechselberger

crescent moon

a field of purple cauliflower

waiting for harvest

Joseph P. Wechselberger

By Meera Rehm

autumn park bench

my lonely sigh disappears

into wind

Meera Rehm

By M. R. Pelletier

dark skies

leaves drop to the bench

where I read

M. R. Pelletier

Thursday, November 28, 2024

By Sharon Ferrante

still wishing—

the shiny things

in a dried up well

Sharon Ferrante

By Sarah Mahina Calvello

A crow

Covers the moon

For a moment

Sarah Mahina Calvello

By Stephanie Zepherelli

earth shoes when we were one

Stephanie Zepherelli

the last rung on the ladder floodwaters

Stephanie Zpherelli

embroidered birds

on her pillow

flying away

Stephanie Zepherelli

By Sarah Paris

the children

bury their dolls

autumn leaves

Sarah Paris

election night

even the Halloween ghosts

look scared

Sarah Paris