Cold Moon Journal

Cold Moon Journal
Fossombrone, Italy — Credits: Oana Maria Cercel

Saturday, April 29, 2023

By Genevieve S. Aguinaldo

spring showers

a butterfly snaps

her wings to dry

Genevieve S. Aguinaldo

By Vipanjeet Kaur

spring rain

a whiff of winter

in its chill

Vipanjeet Kaur

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

By Adrian Bouter

April snow onetime we'll know

Adrian Bouter

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

By Jim Niffen

morning moon

last night lingering

on my lips

Jim Niffen

By Jenn Ryan-Jauregui

slow hop


the snail

Jenn Ryan-Jauregui

By Adele Evershed

visiting my father

only the whiskey mellows

with age

Adele Evershed

By Maurizio Brancaleoni

the turtle dove

sings at dawn

first day of the year

Maurizio Brancaleoni




il canto della

tortora all'albeggiare:

primo dell'anno

Maurizio Brancaleoni

By B.A.V. Varma


do not be tears

Be real castles.

B.A.V. Varma

Sunday, April 23, 2023

By Silvia Bistocchi


the invisible words

of the mountain

Silvia Bistocchi

By Zdenka Mlinar‬‬‬

buzzing of bees

on the unmown


Zdenka Mlinar‬‬‬

By Sharon Martina

picking up

where dad left off

my son's smile

Sharon Martina

By Dennis Andrew S. Aguinaldo


amid the cork tree leaves.

A nestless egg.

Dennis Andrew S. Aguinaldo

By Stephen Jarrell Williams

last dance


sweep of stars

Stephen Jarrell Williams

Saturday, April 22, 2023

By Tomislav Maretić

summer stage

mosquitoes speed up

the band’s rhythm

Tomislav Maretić



crowded train

a moth on the ceiling

gets a free ride

Tomislav Maretić

By Brad Bennett

ocean air

waves making waves

in the sand

Brad Bennett



late winter

the shimmer

of open water

Brad Bennett

By David Josephsohn

every reunion

fewer name cards

on the table

David Josephsohn



finally knowing

which side I’m on

garden walls

David Josephsohn

Thursday, April 20, 2023

By Mircea Moldovan


a few sepia pictures

under a rocking chair

Mircea Moldovan

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

By Sébastien Revon

4 am

the silence

in A major

Sébastien Revon

By Vasile Moldovan

rereading War and Peace

the old pages are as fresh

nowadays as before

Vasile Moldovan

By Lakshman Bulusu

roof leak

twinkle of stars

in her eyes

Lakshman Bulusu


new moon night

in the starry silence


Lakshman Bulusu

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

By David Kāwika Eyre

by starlight…

these days of

the hereafter

David Kāwika Eyre

By Joanna Ashwell

summer fair

someone forgot

to tell the rain

Joanna Ashwell

By Michelle V. Alkerton

bent nails

the clink inside

a beggar’s cup

Michelle V. Alkerton

By Sreenath

earthen pot 

the lady pours cool water

into my cupped hands


By Madisen Bellon

comet dances down

spitting fire, ash, and stardust

imprints on earth’s skin.

Madisen Bellon

By Govind Joshi

after the blossoms

bees too arrive

on the plum tree

Govind Joshi

By Hassane Zemmouri

amber scent...

on a fasting evening

a deep prayer

could it

erase all the sorrow?

Hassane Zemmouri

By Daniela Lăcrămioara Capotă

spring breeze –

 on the easel

 the buds bloom

Daniela Lăcrămioara Capotă

By Ron Scully


if I might have this dance

I would sing with you

Ron Scully

Sunday, April 16, 2023

By Paul Callus


beside my mother’s grave

I share the latest news

Paul Callus

By Vivien Eliades

Maundy Thursday bells

we walk the local footpaths

admiring poppies

Vivien Eliades

By Samo Kreutz

old comb ...

the orchid scent


Samo Kreutz

By Françoise Maurice

wild grasses

the breath of the wind

In her light hair

Françoise Maurice

Saturday, April 15, 2023

By Goran Lowie

abandoned teddy

his playfulness

imprisoned by time

Goran Lowie

Friday, April 14, 2023

By Mona Bedi


the untold stories

on my bookshelf

Mona Bedi



winter loneliness

I gather the stars

for comfort

Mona Bedi

Thursday, April 13, 2023

By Wai Mei Wong

almost spring

the bloom of plum blossoms

across the street

Wai Mei Wong

By Ellen Kom

new calendar

365 mantras

om on the wall

Ellen Kom

By Jennifer Gurney

When I hear our song

I smell the summer rain storm

From across the years

Jennifer Gurney

By Suzanne Leaf-Brock

swallowtail puddling—

mom’s fingertips

skim my cheek

Suzanne Leaf-Brock

By Chen-ou Liu

border checkpoint

the sound of snow geese


Chen-ou Liu

By JL Huffman

mating season

dead skunks stripe road edges

unhappy ending

JL Huffman

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

By Alvin B. Cruz

my echo

in an empty room

the way


repeats itself

Alvin B. Cruz

By Meera Rehm

singing the fragments April showers

Meera Rehm

By Mirela Brailean

dried branch

the same gracefulness

of its shadow

Mirela Brailean

By James Penha

cold lake rain prattles

insistently on palm roofs

we will not be moved

James Penha

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

By Yasir Farooq

a friendship request the belated bloom

Yasir Farooq



a rose reblooms

the other raindrops

Yasir Farooq

By Maria Quernel

Beauty joins Chaos

Both of them standing

On the edge of forever.

Maria Quernel

Sunday, April 9, 2023

By C.X.Turner

miles to go

before sleep . . .



Saturday, April 8, 2023

By Mike Fainzilber


in a bottle

the sunshine

on the vines

Mike Fainzilber



the wind

and the butterfly

gliding on each other

Mike Fainzilber

By Hege Anita Jakobsen Lepri

snow moon

erasing the tracks

of the wolf

Hege Anita Jakobsen Lepri

By Mike Gallagher


the sundial awaiting

the sun

Mike Gallagher

Thursday, April 6, 2023

By Bryan Rickert

the last leaf falling out of love

Bryan Rickert

By Randy Brooks

the bough breaks

good thing

I already


how to fly

Randy Brooks

By Deborah Karl-Brandt

harsh wind

the hare ducks deeper

into the grass

Deborah Karl-Brandt

By Joseph P. Wechselberger


a pigeon strolls through the church’s

upside-down reflection

Joseph P. Wechselberger



his selfie

in a mirror

in the mirror

Joseph P. Wechselberger

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

By Eavonka Ettinger

hard commute

hermit crab sidesteps

a crowded beach

Eavonka Ettinger

By Dennis Hartman and Veronika Zora Novak

his gossamer

breath I breathe . . .

akistu moon

Dennis Hartman and Veronika Zora Novak

By Ezio Infantino

silk road...

the last cobweb

grabs the hoarfrost

Ezio Infantino

By Janet Krauss

A baby sleeps

in the lap of the sun,

a slight breeze covers him.

Janet Krauss

By Shane Huey

on the water’s edge

fire burning under the moon

spring night in Key West

Shane Huey

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

By Maire Mortissey Cummins


all of these years twisting

with the wall

Maire Mortissey Cummins

Monday, April 3, 2023

By John Pappas

after the storm

the earthworm asks

a question

John Pappas

By John J. Dunphy

Ukrainian city rubble

woman cradles a child

who is no longer crying

John J. Dunphy

By John Grey

tree's soft gloss

traceries of light

webs after a rain

John Grey

Sunday, April 2, 2023

By Angiola Inglese

bare branch…

the hidden part

of the sky

Angiola Inglese



fog on roofs the snow loses color

Angiola Inglese

By Wanda Amos

boats on moorings


i watch the tide


and flow

Wanda Amos

By Louise Hopewell

still lake

a kayaker paddles

through frog song

Louise Hopewell

By J. D. Nelson

blinded by headlights—

the clouds have obscured the stars

but not Jupiter

J. D. Nelson

By Christopher Peys


the outline of a pigeon

on the window

Christopher Peys


new to the yard

                  another old train

                                        the end of a line.

Christopher Peys

By Priti Khullar

old wine

my love

for you

Priti Khullar

By Vandana Parashar

open window

the quiet of my room


Vandana Parashar


By Bisshie

the heat

wilts broccoli stems

mum’s breathing


By Helen Ogden

power outage

we bend the rules

of Scrabble

Helen Ogden




St. Patrick’s Day

drinking green beer

to chase away the blues

Helen Ogden

By Susan Burch

making room for you my elastic heart

Susan Burch

By B. A. France

winter wind

one thing at a time

in my mind

B. A. France



Saturday, April 1, 2023

By Keith Evetts

All Fools’ Day

the crows

sleep in

Keith Evetts