Cold Moon Journal

Cold Moon Journal
Fossombrone, Italy — Credits: Oana Maria Cercel

Friday, December 31, 2021

By Lakshmi Iyer

year end

so many things left


Lakshmi Iyer

By Nani Mariani

welcome 2022

as the universe sings

holy man's prayer

the rosary shines bright

bringing a message of peace

Nani Mariani

By Mircea Moldovan


counting years and snowflakes


Mircea Moldovan

By John J. Dunphy

New Year's Eve fireworks

I watch with both hands over

my dog's ears

John J. Dunphy

By Tim Murphy

lucky break

an empty glass hits the floor


Tim Murphy

By Keith Evetts

new year's eve

the dusty sill

by moonlight

                    whose fingerprints

                    are on the window

Keith Evetts

By Zahra Mughis

flowers bloom

in the night sky

new year's eve

Zahra Mughis

Thursday, December 30, 2021

By Arvinder Kaur

winter sun

grandpa warms his shoes

in the porch

Arvinder Kaur

By Neena Singh

winter chill—

in grandson’s eyes

warm starlight

Neena Singh

By Barrie Levine

night shift

dad’s blue jacket

fades to twilight

Barrie Levine

By Rp Verlaine

the child asks

if sequoia trees

reach heaven

Rp Verlaine

By Maya Daneva

soft sun...

in the shadow of the snowman

my toddler

Maya Daneva

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

By Marilyn Ward

after the snow

a slow drizzle

on a crow's back

Marilyn Ward

By Helen Ogden

winter haiku

so many words

for snow

Helen Ogden

By Samo Kreutz

reflection in the river

the sun and the clouds

all over her face

Samo Kreutz

By Kyoko Bengala

an icy wind—

remained in the petals

of my roses

Kyoko Bengala

By Mircea Moldovan

traces of her footsteps in the snow

Mircea Moldovan

By Richard Bailly


traversing the lake

under cold moon

Richard Bailly

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

By Geoff Pope

running in the bike lane—


by a pine cone

Geoff Pope

By Meera Rehm

frost moon

he becomes a ghost

in every photo

Meera Rehm

By Sherry Grant

wedding photo standing so much closer

Sherry Grant

By Cynthia Anderson

glossed-over faults the earthquake waiting to happen

Cynthia Anderson

By Lori A Minor

sprouting lily. . .

finally old enough

to give up my faith

Lori A Minor

By Tiffany Shaw-Diaz

dandelion seeds

float away in a muggy air

the friends i lost

when i decided

to honor my truth

Tiffany Shaw-Diaz

By Alvin B. Cruz

blowing dandelions

I chase a dream

that is not mine

Alvin B. Cruz

By Joe Sebastian

bamboo grove

the wind's symphony

rises and falls

Joe Sebastian

Monday, December 27, 2021

By Scott Wiggerman

I no longer sing

in perfect harmony

faraway notes

Scott Wiggerman

By Keith Evetts

new year

our farewells

on the wind

Keith Evetts

By Tiffany Shaw-Diaz

i find myself

standing before the sun

stitch me

heal me

in the places i cannot reach

Tiffany Shaw-Diaz

By Kelly Sauvage

wild hearts

god stands at the window

looking in

Kelly Sauvage

By Veronika Zora Novak

a sound

that is not sound . . .

winter dew

Veronika Zora Novak

By Susan Burch

a weather vane

constantly shifting


the stress

of not knowing

Susan Burch

By Nudurupati Nagasri

dancing filament

on divorce papers

the grand jeté amid his sign

Nudurupati Nagasri

By Ray Spitzenberger







Ray Spitzenberger

By Nani Mariani

Semeru Mountain

volcanic eruptions

gray December

nation's sadness

my heart is there

Nani Mariani

By Pat Davis

the walk to work

all the familiar


Pat Davis

By John Grey

from room to room,

love moves out

saves a space for loneliness

John Grey

By Maria Teresa Sisti

winter solstice—

a painted silence

in my memories

Maria Teresa Sisti

Sunday, December 26, 2021

By Brad Bennett

winter morning

the sound of an orange peel

tearing away

Brad Bennett

By Alvin B. Cruz

Covid fatigue

a coastal town

screams at the sea

Alvin B. Cruz

By Allyson Whipple

no frost yet

the neighbor’s power drill

whines at dawn

Allyson Whipple

By Cynthia Anderson

old friends

too old to pick up

where we left off

Cynthia Anderson

By John Hawkhead

wind chimes

releasing ice melt

into her silence

John Hawkhead

By Nudurupati Nagasri

complementary dining

buffalo feeding

egret topiary

Nudurupati Nagasri

Saturday, December 25, 2021

By Chen-ou Liu

Christmas dinner for two

the click, clank, click

of my teenager’s chopsticks

Chen-ou Liu

By Roberta Beach Jacobson

at our table

having the best time

those asleep

Roberta Beach Jacobson

Friday, December 24, 2021

By Mariel Herbert


Mariel Herbert

By Lakshmi Iyer

Christmas Eve

the moon comes riding

on a reindeer

Lakshmi Iyer

By Helen Ogden

homeless camp

a Christmas ornament

on a bare branch

Helen Ogden

Thursday, December 23, 2021

By Helen Ogden

full of lights

the Christmas tree

in the bagel shop

Helen Ogden

By Mariangela Canzi

a jar of holly...

Christmas thoughts

by the fireplace

Mariangela Canzi

By Refika Dedić

a night of joy

without a face mask

a smile shines

Refika Dedić

By John J. Dunphy

newly-divorced man

his first Christmas dinner

at a Chinese restaurant

John J. Dunphy

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

By Agus Maulana Sunjaya

hazy moon

electric lamps outline

a minaret

Agus Maulana Sunjaya

By Maria Concetta Conti

the need

to solve mysteries

Milky Way

Maria Concetta Conti

By JL Huffman


the Milky Way drapes

our big sky

JL Huffman

By Tim Murphy

rolling thunder

trying to concentrate

on a clarinet solo

Tim Murphy

By B.A. France







ant’s eye view

B.A. France

By Vasile Moldovan

covered of snow

the chrysanthemums

fall asleep

Vasile Moldovan

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

By Lisbeth Ho

a longing for you rings in each christmas song

Lisbeth Ho

By Lucia Cardillo

Christmas Star ...

something unspoken

in her eyes

Lucia Cardillo

By Zdenka Mlinar

Christmas scent

mom's cakes


Zdenka Mlinar

By Helen Ogden

trimming the tree

we bicker over

strands of tinsel

Helen Ogden

Monday, December 20, 2021

By Mike Gallagher


along the mountain range

shrivelled red apple

Mike Gallagher

By Peter Jastermsky

end of life . green apples

Peter Jastermsky

Sunday, December 19, 2021

By Florin C. Ciobica

silent night

humming a carol

to my pet

Florin C. Ciobica

By Neena Singh

my dog and I

look for brightness

new moon

Neena Singh

By John J. Dunphy

living room

our first real Christmas tree

marked by our dog

John J. Dunphy

By Mariel Herbert

poodle dreams

a cumulus cloud

in the dark

Mariel Herbert

Saturday, December 18, 2021

By Jim Niffen

long night moon

shadows dancing on

gravel roads

Jim Niffen

By Mariangela Canzi

winter dusk

cutting onions

for my soup

Mariangela Canzi

By Louise Hopewell

bare maple

a tiny red beanie

trampled in mud

Louise Hopewell

By Baisali Chatterjee Dutt


autumn leaves

upon the grass

Baisali Chatterjee Dutt

By Pat Geyer

swedish fish swimming

in their wake they seem to jump

from gold gummy bears

Pat Geyer

By Peter Jastermsky

internet down. then. we talk

Peter Jastermsky

By Mirela Brăilean

moon landing—

a delayed flock of geese

above water

Mirela Brăilean

By Carmela Marino

low clouds

his last breath

in a handkerchief

Carmela Marino

By Cynthia Anderson

paper and pencil

I leave a trail of breadcrumbs

for the afterlife

Cynthia Anderson

By Robert Moyer

jazz club dancer

squeezed into her dress

my dreams

Robert Moyer

Friday, December 17, 2021

By Maria Cristina Pulvirenti

Winter day

Rainbow falls

on my quiet

Maria Cristina Pulvirenti

By Keith Evetts

over and over

the song

the silence

Keith Evetts

Thursday, December 16, 2021

By Helen Ogden

tattered at the toe

the stocking I hung

as a child

Helen Ogden

By Maya Daneva


the shadows of the nutcrackers

at the Christmas market

Maya Daneva

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

By Richard Bailly

monarch butterfly

delivering a message

from the great unknown

Richard Bailly

By Chen-ou Liu

old immigrant

how many Pacific waves

lap at my feet

Chen-ou Liu

By Barrie Levine

mom’s fine china

the gold rim

of an eclipse

Barrie Levine

By Manoj Sharma

wildfire . . .

the madness

of gusty winds

Manoj Sharma

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

By Joanna Ashwell

I slowly stir

amongst ancient runes

where trees sing

their branches like harps

stringing sunbeams

Joanna Ashwell

By Veronika Zora Novak

note by note . . .

a violin gathers

the last star

Veronika Zora Novak

Saturday, December 11, 2021

By Scott Wiggerman

blue spruce not blue but spruce

Scott Wiggerman

By Florin C. Ciobica

a snowplow rumbling through my nightmare

Florin C. Ciobica

By Roberta Beach Jacobson

something fishy on my plate

Roberta Beach Jacobson

By Arvinder Kaur

getting(make) over

Arvinder Kaur

By B.A. France

gravel lane looking skyward alone

B.A. France

By Kelly Sauvage

dusty leaves the scent of someone else’s syrup

Kelly Sauvage

By Agus Maulana Sunjaya

winter rain dragging my shadow on the sidewalk

Agus Maulana Sunjaya

Friday, December 10, 2021

By Bee Jay

open wide

says my narrow-minded


Bee Jay

By Alex J. Lubman

Hunter's Moon---

the pizza boy finds

our house

Alex J. Lubman

By Angiola Inglese


on my hand

a mantis

Angiola Inglese

By Joanna Ashwell

white pines

snow becoming

the night sky

Joanna Ashwell

Thursday, December 9, 2021

By Ingrid Baluchi

winter dreariness

longing for the cheery warmth

of dandelions

Ingrid Baluchi

By Roberta Beach Jacobson


on dandelions

lemon sun

Roberta Beach Jacobson

By Sangita Kalarickal

my daughter and i

harvest marigold seeds

summer dreams

Sangita Kalarickal

By Douglas J. Lanzo

even the pier

creaks with delight

summer evening stroll

Douglas J. Lanzo

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

By Priti Khullar


the memories

old age

Priti Khullar

By Ingrid Baluchi

drifting clouds


race on

Ingrid Baluchi

Monday, December 6, 2021

By John J. Dunphy

St. Nicholas Day

a holiday card on my desk

signed Krampus

John J. Dunphy

By B.A. France

fill the interlude 

with a depth of meaning

… cold wet wind

B.A. France

By Florin C. Ciobica

snowflakes softening the voices of the protesters

Florin C. Ciobica

By C.X.Turner

the cry

of autumn –

forest floor


Sunday, December 5, 2021

By Mircea Moldovan

first snow

a garden flamingo

tries to fly

Mircea Moldovan

By Kathleen Vasek Trocmet

blizzard . . .

digging out

the last log

Kathleen Vasek Trocmet

By Amrutha Prabhu

carrom game ...

my daughter grabs

a full moon

Amrutha Prabhu

By C.X.Turner

day moon –

I wait for you

to notice me


By Priti Khullar

me time

my favorite teacup

and matching saucer

Priti Khullar

Friday, December 3, 2021

By Kathleen Vasek Trocmet

darkness . . .

the owl's hoot

flies away

Kathleen Vasek Trocmet

By Pippa Phillips


big enough for us

country church

Pippa Phillips

Thursday, December 2, 2021

By Pippa Phillips

golden hour

he rakes his shadow

into the leaves

Pippa Phillips

By Kathleen Vasek Trocmet

afternoon rain . . .


soup recipes

Kathleen Vasek Trocmet

By Ram Chandran

the lightness of being a butterfly

Ram Chandran

By Tsanka Shishkova

virgin beach

baby turtles rush

to the sea

Tsanka Shishkova

By Vincenzo Adamo

Indian summer

smiles return

under the bridge

Vincenzo Adamo

By Mircea Moldovan

blood stains

under the pale moonlight

a poacher

Mircea Moldovan

By Mona Bedi

old grief–

the leaves that refuse

to change colour

Mona Bedi

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

By Mona Bedi

the (in)visible scars inflicted by you

Mona Bedi