Cold Moon Journal

Cold Moon Journal
Fossombrone, Italy — Credits: Oana Maria Cercel

Saturday, July 31, 2021

By Lorraine A. Padden

lane markers

another haiku

crosses the line

Lorraine A. Padden

By Amrutha Prabhu

sunset …
dull roars of the sea
drowns me in melancholy

Amrutha Prabhu

By Maria Teresa Sisti

moonlight -

silence remains

so suspended

Maria Teresa Sisti

By Lucia Cardillo

white poppy ...

even more alone

in the crowd

Lucia Cardillo

By vijay joshi

more soldiers deployed cloudy skies

vijay joshi

By Nudurupati Nagasri

medley of monsoon

an aloof house ...

with a reggae roof

Nudurupati Nagasri

By Neena Singh

outside the garden

the juice vendor’s umbrella

a faded green

Neena Singh

By Maria Teresa Piras

sea and sky -

all the void

full of blues

Maria Teresa Piras

By Vasile Moldovan


nightmare and dream

nightingale trill

Vasile Moldovan

By Sherry Grant

a year older

the moon stays

the same

Sherry Grant

By Rosa Maria Di Salvatore


all that remains

of my dreams

Rosa Maria Di Salvatore

By Vincenzo Adamo

spring cleaning

full drawers

of dreams

Vincenzo Adamo

Friday, July 30, 2021

By Benedetta Cardone

pale moonlit sea -

the sleepy song

of a jellyfish

Benedetta Cardone

By Ram Chandran

ancient temple -

the bell sounds

more ancient

Ram Chandran

By Daniela Lăcrămioara Capotă

mountain house -

instead of a bell


Daniela Lăcrămioara Capotă

By Richard Bailly

majestic milkweed

caterpillar habitat

mothering monarchs

Richard Bailly

By Lorraine A. Padden

milkweed drunk

a caterpillar lolls

from leaf to leaf

Lorraine A. Padden

Thursday, July 29, 2021

By Carmela Marino


the framed sea

at its window

Carmela Marino

By Refika Dedić

summer month

children in the sand

forget about time

Refika Dedić

By Ben Onachila

Maple Dogwood Oaks

How they blush

before getting naked

Ben Onachila

By Kyoko Bengala

anniversary -

they arrived late


Kyoko Bengala

By Maya Daneva

high-pitched cry

I recognize the voice

of my cicada

Maya Daneva

By Bernadette O'Reilly


in his palm

my cheek

Bernadette O'Reilly

By Lisbeth Ho

summer dusk

crickets start to sing


the fireflies to light up

the moonless night

Lisbeth Ho

By Jharna Sanyal

first rain

in cupped palms

         taste of salt

Jharna Sanyal

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

By Stephen Jarrell Williams

sea mother

keep me

as a pearl

Stephen Jarrell Williams

By Ram Chandran

monsoon sky

the birds

flying to a distant dream

Ram Chandran

By Alan Peat


in front of

The Bay View Hotel

Alan Peat

By Rp Verlaine

the owl

sees too much

to be silent

Rp Verlaine

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

By Alex Lanzo

canoe floats

on aqua-green waters

over sea of moss

Alex Lanzo

By Gregory Lanzo

Arctic ice melts

creating rivers

flowing into caves

Gregory Lanzo

Sunday, July 25, 2021

By Christa Pandey

old age

finding relevance

in haiku

Christa Pandey

By Zahra Mughis

monsoon sky reflections of the inner landscape

Zahra Mughis

By Alvin B. Cruz

rainbow's end

a poem begins

without me

Alvin B. Cruz

By Tim Roberts

moonless sky on pebble beach – every footstep a sigh

Tim Roberts

By Vandana Parashar

tiring day

my dog and I switch

places in dream

Vandana Parashar

By Barrie Levine

breathing out . . .

my dream

slips away

Barrie Levine

By Mircea Moldovan

on island

together with the frogs

chamber music

Mircea Moldovan

By Nudurupati Nagasri

full moon

I scoop it from sugar syrup

Rasgulla *

Nudurupati Nagasri


* Ball-shaped sweet made with curdled milk and sugar syrup

By Agus Maulana Sunjaya

the shift

in a robin’s song

end of summer

Agus Maulana Sunjaya

By Sushama Kapur

forgotten shrine -

the colour of silence

in yellow dandelions

Sushama Kapur

By Nicoletta Ignatti

along the way 

poppies and I -  

June evening

Nicoletta Ignatti

By Douglas J. Lanzo

a lantern

guides our river raft

morning mist

Douglas J. Lanzo

By Jagajit Salam

drenched meadow

on a grass blade

a raindrop

Jagajit Salam

By Samo Kreutz


I try to find my dreams

in the encyclopedia

Samo Kreutz

By Anna Maria Domburg-Sancristoforo

evening falls 

sometimes it happens

I am afraid

Anna Maria Domburg-Sancristoforo

Saturday, July 24, 2021

By Jennifer Hambrick

as long

as it takes


Jennifer Hambrick

By Keith Evetts

knowing when to stay silent pines

Keith Evetts

By B.A. France

crescent moon

casting light on

collective darkness

B.A. France

By Alex Fyffe

untouched for years

an immaculate

DVD collection

Alex Fyffe

By Helen Ogden

lost in letters

the ant meanders

across the page

Helen Ogden

Friday, July 23, 2021

By Jim Niffen


everything's new

but my shoes

Jim Niffen

By Mona Bedi


a new pair of earrings

every day

Mona Bedi

Thursday, July 22, 2021

By Susan Bonk Plumridge

haiku writer

the words pared

to fit

Susan Bonk Plumridge

By David Kehe

editing a poem

a bonsai

gets pruned

David Kehe

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

By Radhamani Sarma


pencil only a cone


Radhamani Sarma

By Tsanka Shishkova

old cathedral

earthly and divine

in perfect harmony

Tsanka Shishkova

By Priti Khullar

Music of Corona

fingers waltz constantly

on the keyboard

Priti Khullar

By Marilyn Ashbaugh


he dream

cocktail ant

Marilyn Ashbaugh

By Arvinder Kaur

the ice

in my whiskey

dances with a crackle

Arvinder Kaur

By Madeleine Vinluan

earth watcher orbiting the planet non-stop curious moon

Madeleine Vinluan

By John Hawkhead

gravel stream

rainbow trout spawn

baubles of light

John Hawkhead

By Kat Lehmann

window dance

the moth knows I am inside

a sun

Kat Lehmann

By Nani Mariani

in a jar

full of biscuits

crescent moon

Nani Mariani

By Minal Sarosh

forest trail

shadows of years

following me

Minal Sarosh

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

By Devoshruti Mandal

muezzin's call



Devoshruti Mandal

By Richard Bailly

gnarly old oak tree

carefully standing its ground

kissed by golden rays

Richard Bailly

Sunday, July 18, 2021

By Zahra Mughis

extra lunchbox

I carry snacks

for city pigeons

Zahra Mughis

Saturday, July 17, 2021

By JL Huffman


coiled on my doorstep

unwelcome mat

JL Huffman

By Zahra Mughis

Chopin the rhythm of midsummer rain

Zahra Mughis

By Tiffany Shaw-Diaz

in his arms i become the rain

Tiffany Shaw-Diaz

By Kyoko Bengala

Solitude --

among a thousand people we

without words

Kyoko Bengala

Friday, July 16, 2021

By Tiffany Shaw-Diaz


a dusting of starlight

falls across my chest

Tiffany Shaw-Diaz

By Roberta Beach Jacobson

sink sank sunk

our friendship

Roberta Beach Jacobson

Thursday, July 15, 2021

By Tiffany Shaw-Diaz

because we have nothing left the sun

Tiffany Shaw-Diaz

By Cynthia Anderson

desert gardener

planting seeds

in my father’s shadow

Cynthia Anderson



a galaxy of lichen . . .

terrestrial snail


By Lafcadio

trees standing

in the fog--

all I can see


Tuesday, July 13, 2021

By Cynthia Anderson


a memory

takes flight

Cynthia Anderson

By Tiffany Shaw-Diaz

watching the night fall from grace

Tiffany Shaw-Diaz

By Louise Hopewell

vaccination centre

at the coffee cart

I ask for a double shot

Louise Hopewell

Sunday, July 11, 2021

By Tiffany Shaw-Diaz

behind this silence a twilight in flames

Tiffany Shaw-Diaz

By Teji Sethi

fading sun ...

an eagle’s screech

pierces my melancholy

Teji Sethi



the rise and fall

of old feelings


By Lori A Minor

social mixer

her drunken smile

full of Gouda

Lori A Minor

By Pippa Phillips

basket of sunflower seeds holding the future for me

Pippa Phillips

By Angiola Ingese


the night without moon-

white flowers

Angiola Ingese

Saturday, July 10, 2021

By Marilyn Ward

the ballerina

twirls her tutu...

pink Oleander

Marilyn Ward


mid-sentence a slow-passing comma


By Vincenzo Adamo

autumn wind-

I walk with dreams

still in your pocket

Vincenzo Adamo

By Lakshmi Iyer

paddling the stars

in the dark sky

I dream

of heaven beyond

my reach

Lakshmi Iyer

By Teji Sethi

orange hour

sun sinks into

a cloud of dust

Teji Sethi

By Kayla Drouilhet

mid snore…

his hand still rubbing

my back

Kayla Drouilhet

By Pippa Phillips

coffee at midnight


in a starless sky

Pippa Phillips

Friday, July 9, 2021

By Chen-ou Liu

mountain lake ...

clothed in moonlight

prom date and me

Chen-ou Liu

By Lori A Minor

we jump in

drunk and naked

college fountain

Lori A Minor

Thursday, July 8, 2021

By Madeleine Vinluan

grief surfaced

I saw its face

dying moon

Madeleine Vinluan

By Mona Bedi

last breath

three generations

bid farewell

Mona Bedi

By Baisali Chatterjee Dutt

lockdown blues

the parrot beats its wings

against the cage

Baisali Chatterjee Dutt

By John J. Dunphy

my bibliophile friend

an unread book beside him

in the coffin

John J. Dunphy

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

By Joe Sebastian

nibbling bread crumbs

under the Zen garden bridge

a school of koi

Joe Sebastian

Monday, July 5, 2021

By Claire Ninham

lawn mown —

the distant hum

of a wildflower meadow

Claire Ninham

By Keith Evetts


in my notes the poems

found in clouds

Keith Evetts


cloudbusting, I loosen the rainbow’s colors


By John J. Dunphy

graveside service

a mourner's umbrella

too red

John J. Dunphy

By Joanna Ashwell

chalk dust

the tennis ball

bouncing dew

Joanna Ashwell

By Maria Tirenescu

waiting for the eclipse sun and moon

Maria Tirenescu

By Vincenzo Adamo

sparrows. . .

the echo on the bare branches

of your whisper

Vincenzo Adamo

Sunday, July 4, 2021

By Joe Sebastian

Spring in full bloom—

bees bumping

into bees

Joe Sebastian

By Mona Bedi

summer sun

my indigo dress fades

into a new blue

Mona Bedi

By Dennis Andrew Aguinaldo

fallen mango

a bruise blooms

before dawn

Dennis Andrew S. Aguinaldo

Thursday, July 1, 2021

By John J. Dunphy

old unabridged dictionary

its words reduced

by bookworms

John J. Dunphy