solar flare
what you
couldn’t hide
Tiffany Shaw-Diaz
stars glow
in my grandson's eyes
the blur in mine
Neena Singh
cardamon cloves
cinnamon black pepper
steeping my chai
Susan Bonk Plumridge
in mama's apron -
coriander soup
her welcome note
Bidyutprabha Gantayay
an idea bounces
back to me
the inclusive world
of paper cranes
Jackie Chou
year of the rat ...
if only the calendar
predicts the truth
Milan Rajkumar
i am also in the dark coyote’s howl
flavour of
Christmas cake -
fingers crossed
morning exercise
the disapproving look
of my cat
Nikolay Grankin
a fragrance
of orange blossoms—
where the old dog rests