Cold Moon Journal

Cold Moon Journal
Photo c. Alf B. Meier

Saturday, November 13, 2021

By Veronika Zora Novak


the mind of a lotus . . .


Veronika Zora Novak

Friday, November 12, 2021

By Vladislav Hristov

quince garden

my mom’s perfume

alive again

Vladislav Hristov

By Agus Maulana Sunjaya

balmy breeze

mother traces

my face

Agus Maulana Sunjaya

By Mirela Brăilean

winter sea
a fair-weather flag
ragged by wind

Mirela Brăilean

By Jackie Chou


the lilt of a flute song

lifts the blues

Jackie Chou

By Tsanka Shishkova

lily pond

the flickering reflections

of the stars

Tsanka Shishkova

By Douglas J. Lanzo

Spanish moss

bathed in moonlight

drapes romance by the bay

Douglas J. Lanzo

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

By Milan Rajkumar

classical dance

the divine proportion

she once talked

of a blooming lotus

on a stone buddha's lap

Milan Rajkumar

By Mircea Moldovan


between a cactus

and a singing stone

having dinner on clay plates

with a stranger

Mircea Moldovan

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

By Sushama Kapur

secrets lost a labyrinth of drawers

Sushama Kapur

By Keith Evetts

insomnia drips from the faucet

Keith Evetts