the (in)visible scars inflicted by you
Mona Bedi
empty well
only the echo
of a falling leaf
Alvin B. Cruz
fish in stream the river that never was
Roberta Beach Jacobson
saturday city
the river's silence
Brendan Duffin
empty platform ...
I can't
let you go
Diana Teneva
the rose
falling out its petals—
chemo seanceRemzi Gülsün
a jar of rain
on his grave—
Mariangela Canzi
Days of Awe—
praying for a kind stranger
or angel
to place pebbles
on the family graves
Ruth Holzer
tree frog sonata in g
before I sleep
Reid Hepworth
for one last chance I gather up my soul
Lakshmi Iyer
On a thread of scent,
weaver ants
climb leaves of insulin.
Dennis Andrew Aguinaldo