at our table
having the best time
those asleep
Roberta Beach Jacobson
Mariel Herbert
Christmas Eve
the moon comes riding
on a reindeer
Lakshmi Iyer
homeless camp
a Christmas ornament
on a bare branch
Helen Ogden
full of lights
the Christmas tree
in the bagel shop
a jar of holly...
Christmas thoughts
by the fireplace
Mariangela Canzi
a night of joy
without a face mask
a smile shines
Refika Dedić
newly-divorced man
his first Christmas dinner
at a Chinese restaurant
John J. Dunphy
hazy moon
electric lamps outline
a minaret
Agus Maulana Sunjaya
the need
to solve mysteries
Milky Way
Maria Concetta Conti
the Milky Way drapes
our big sky
JL Huffman