Cold Moon Journal

Cold Moon Journal
Photo c. Alf B. Meier

Friday, April 29, 2022

By Mirela Brăilean

night camp

thirsty horses

sip the moon

Mirela Brăilean

By Jay Friedenberg

plantation ruins

a bougainvillea blossoms

over the slaves' quarters

Jay Friedenberg

Thursday, April 28, 2022

By Mircea Moldovan

morning news nagging toothache

Mircea Moldovan

By Ron Scully

yellow warblers

perched in the cheap seats

heckle raining treys

Ron Scully

By Eavonka Ettinger

flying solo

the crow awaits

his murder

Eavonka Ettinger

By Lorelyn De la Cruz Arevalo

jalapeño sun

catching my smile

with your lips

Lorelyn De la Cruz Arevalo

By Deborah Burke Henderson

river trail—

mayflies hover

in the sun patch

Deborah Burke Henderson

By Tim Murphy

spring evening

pensioners dance Sevillanas

on the park bandstand

Tim Murphy

By B.A. France

dried petals 

of the chrysanthemum

still remembering

B.A. France

By Stephen Jarrell Williams

flower in the wind

losing petals but open

to the sun

Stephen Jarrell Williams

By Gregory Lanzo

submerged heads

searching seafloor

snorkeling for crabs

Gregory Lanzo