my mother
that flash of forever
in her eyes
Kath Abela Wilson
lost I return home
to grandmother's iris
Marilyn Ashbaugh
evening rain
my son wants me to stop
the lullaby
Maya Daneva
your fragrance
eclipses the moon . . .
night jasmine
Veronika Zora Novak
of a newborn baby
over noise of bombsMirela Brăilean
first kiss —
the fresh taste of chewing-gum Antonio Mangiameli
a stray dog
follows my bike
David He
obituary column
my old teacher’s name
in the register
John Hawkhead
for every experiment
we choose…
a monkey
Kamrun Nahar
receding waves
wipe out all the footprints...
his dementia
Ram Chandran
anger management my father's broken pencils
Alvin B. Cruz